I binged big time


Full Member
I Binged big today. It started in the morning and it went on all day. I had cereal, chocolate, chocolate biscuits, loads and quickly.

I feel terrible now (obviously) and even more convinced I have an eating disorder and need psychological help. I know there are things influencing my "state" like pms and the fact that My husband is about to go to singapore for 8 weeks. I will be alone to take care of the kids. There is also the trip to brazil and, worse of all, the excuse that I have been good for so long and have exercised every day this week.

Does this disease have a cure? Does one ever stop binging?

Even though I feel bad, I just feel like having some more cereal now... (no choc left).
The damage is done now hunny, you're human, u havent got an eating disorder just alot going on in your head emotionally!!

Big hug, if i could teleport u sum choccy i would sounds like u need it!

Tomorrow is another day, just do what u gotta do tonight!
It happens to everyone.
I try to have only Dukan friendly food around.
It is difficult to resist temptation.

Hang in there!
Elisheba said:
It happens to everyone.
I try to have only Dukan friendly food around.
It is difficult to resist temptation.

Hang in there!

I imagine thats easier said than done when you've got kids though :(
Forgive yourself the blip cos that is all it is and move on Nina. Stop putting yourself under soooo much pressure xxx
:) tks
we have all totally been there! maybe next time try to exercise instead of eating junk? it sounds crazy but i've started working out when i think i need a mid day nap. also - i read this somewhere - "do not reward yourself with food, you are not a dog" I love that!

Good luck!
I did the same on wednesday..but thanks to this site I literally dusted myself down and started again. No point in beating ourselves up as the worse we feel the more we binge! So...put it behind you , throw yourself back into it and in moments of weakness I am sure there are lots of friends on here to offer support. I totally understand how your feeling, I have 8 children which can be a challenge and I think the reason I have put weight on is because in times of stress I have "rewarded" myself with chocolate, crisps, or wine...sometimes all three at once when the kids are put to bed! I don't think you have an eating disorder as such .....you sound just like me, just an unhealthy relationship with food when under pressure. Some people can't eat when stressed, I would just dive into the fridge ! Hope your ok today x