I did it!! I did it!! but ....... dilema


Gold Member
Ive finally done it!! Today the scales say I've reached my target weight - yipeeeeeeeeeeee but I've got a bit of a dilema. I'm thinking should I lose another three pounds to get my weight loss to seven stone or even another five pounds so I can be a "century club" member - these seem better options to me as the prospect of conso is really scaring me!!! I've been so long on cruise I am frightened of the change! I have been reading Chris and Ellies postings as they have both recently gone onto Conso and they are doing great - but eating different to what I'm now so used to is scary - I feel like I will be out of my comfort zone and especially the gala meal - will I be able to pull it back in once I've had that meal and tasted possibly what I have been without for the last year?? !! I'm so scared of going off the rails and losing control - even though I am so excited at reaching target and feel great I am dreading taking the next step. This forum has been a major contributor to my weight loss and the advice and infomation I have got from here has been invaluable - its the first time I have ever lost this amount of weight and the first time I have ever lost any weight without going to a slimming club - logging on here every day is like having your own portable slimming club with you all the time - thank you all guys you're all amazing - but I'm sure I'm gonna need help and advice more than ever now!!!
dont be scared... come over to the other side and join us ;) im doing conso gradually as the fear of binging is on my mind... so far its working for me and im still losing weight. Ive not had a gala yet but had my first scarey starch meal last night. im planning to make pizza tonight and that will be my gala meal :) im not planning to go overboard as ive worked too hard to get here
Ellie - you hit the nail right on the head - its the fear of binging that is so scary - slipping into what I left behind a year ago - you are doing brilliantly- well done you xx
Milton - thank you xx
Scooter, wow, amazing loss!

Put your faith in the Doctor (again) and believe in yourself :D

P x
Fabulous !!!!!!! Well done you, why dont you do as Ellie & Chris have done & do it gradually. Both have lost whilst in conso, go for it !!!!! x
Thank you all xx i think i will have to do it gradually too - not very keen on fruit but might try apple in muffins and start by having pv days and just a thurs pp - how was your pizza ellie?
nice but i have tummyache now :(
Scooter first of all WELL DONE that is amazing............ I was getting scared about conso but since reading that section in the books I am actively looking forward to it and will embrace it fully when the time comes.... Remember there are still LOTS of rules but the good Dr says follow them ALL so again he is telling you what to do. With regards to the gala meal - it doesn't have to be a blow out meal by any means if you are worried about reining yourself in after - just an ordinary meal you make at home would count if you added a small dessert (an individual one if your worried about portions!) and something starchy or saucy with the main!!! Again regarding the weight loss - he advises against going lower than your TW - which is what I am doing as my TW was 12 stone which I felt was too much when I got there so I have lowered it but don't feel I am being unrealistic about the weight I want to be.......... After reading the conso section I did understand why he set my TW where he did!!!! So I am saying follow his guidelines unless it feels WRONG to you and you alone!! Hope my rambling makes sense!!! LOL - in the meanwhile huge congrats!!!
Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!! How fab you must feel for achieving this milestone. I can totally understand your fears and I wish you lots of luck, trust the Dr. trust these girls who have or walking the walk and I am positive you will soon adjust.
Hi Scooter - CONGRATULATIONS! wow wow your loss and your willpower is amazing! I KNOW you will not just throw that out of the window!

Trudy has already really said it all. Take it slowly and banish the expression 'Gala' or 'Celebration' I found those really unhelpful. What that one meal a week allows you to do is have on time where you have a 'normal' meal. One with peas. Or potatoes. You can go out with friends and not stress over the menu, whilst you will probably find that you choose the healthier options anyway - ie I had the salmon & salad and not the pork belly and roasties the other day, or I leave most of the potatoes! Or you can accept an invitation and not stress the person inviting you with complicated instructions about what you might or might not eat.

Remember you are about to embark on stage 3 of what is still in a fairly controlled plan. 'PV 6 days a week' just as strict as before, plus a piece of fruit, a slice of bread and a matchbox of cheese. And one 100% PP day. Once you are adding the Normal and carb meals it really helps to write them out on a weekly planner, so you don't get in a muddle over what you had when :)

As for your target weight, if you feel happier with a round loss... Those three pounds might go in conso anyway if you are fairly careful and go slowly as described - I went to 'full' Phase 1 conso and found I stayed stable for a couple of weeks and then was losing about 1lb a week which really after a few weeks I didn't want to happen anymore! So I then gradually increased my intake to 2 fruit a day for example, and then I had to navigate Christmas ;-) you should have seen my planner then...
Also, the carb meal is just a PV meal with some WM pasta or brown rice to accompany it. We all found the 200gr cooked weight (80gr uncooked which would be a massive portion even in a pasta dish) completely impossible to manage, I think that's just a maximum suggestion and you certainly don't 'have to' eat it.

Did you lose all your weight with Dukan - have you calculated the length of Conso yet? Because that's going to keep you going for a while ;-)

Anyway - good luck with whatever you decide, and you know we're all here to listen....
Thank you all for your fantastic advice - I am already feeling much more positive about conso x
Trudy - i think you are right about me listening to the target weight Dr. D gave me - we are set a target weight for a reason and the fact that my last half a stone took so long to come off I guess is my body's way of saying its about the weight it should be! Anjuschka - you are so right -I am not going to call it a gala or celebration meal as that to me indicates a total "blow out" - I will think of it just as a normal meal - I have been so in control for the last year on Dukan that leaving the safety of cruise is really daunting - but I have just got to think of it as phase 3 of my diet. I did lose all my weight on Dukan and I've not as yet worked out how long I will be in conso but I know it will feel like forever!! Thank you all for all your advice and support and heres to phase 3 xx
Scooter fantastic achievement.... I bow to you x slipping into conso as Ellie has done sounds like a good option ,gently does it t and I would stick with the good DR. tw for you. after all he done you great so far x keep posting so we can follow you all the wat to stab x
Thanks sidd - im gonna take all the good advice ive been given on here and take it slowly - i think i will start with pv days (apart from pp thurs) and then next week add some fruit per day - thanks everyone for all your help and encouragement i feel so much better about conso now xx