Extra Easy I have one question...


New Member
If you had one bit of advice to give to a newbie at slimming world... What would your words of wisdom be? :)
Don't let a little wobble turn into a big issue! If you mess up and get a takeout, don't polish it off with a tub of ice cream because you've already made a mistake. Don't let one night off turn into a week! This is the reason for my re-start!
Yeah, 100% agree with llamasoks. Also remember that people lose weight at different rates so don't be disheartened if you have a bad result or think you are losing too slowly. As long as it's going in the right direction you will get there!
I agree with above, don't let one bad evening turn into a bad week and don't compare your losses to others.

Mine would be to take your loss in baby steps. Don't think of your weight as one big chunk, instead take it in little goals, every half stone, dropping into a new stone zone, every BMI drop, 5%, 10%, etc, and focus only on the next little goal, not on the bigger picture. Celebrate every loss, including those wee half pounds, they all add up. :)
Mine would be to stick with it and trust the plan - it works! Some people have faster losses, others slower (my journey has been over 2 years long now to reach a 4.5st loss) but you will get there, just have faith and trust SW :)
Another one- take your measurements when you start and weeks when you gain or STS and feel a bit disappointed, take your measurements. It's a great way to see that it's not all about the number on the scales and it can keep you motivated for another week and another loss. :) x
Read your books. More than once, and at any time in the future when you feel you might have forgotten something.

Quite a lot of the questions which are asked here have their answers in the information you were given at the start - no, that's not a criticism, that's an observation. It's a lot to take in all at once and our brains can only process so much new information. Go back to the books every time you feel unsure.
Take each day at a time with a fresh start. Don't go off the rails but don't always feel like you have to 'catch up' either because of a bad day.

Plan, plan, plan.
If you're struggling, plan all your meals to be syn-free and then you can have a few more treats as snacks.

Always remember your superfree! Think 'how many types of veggies can I fit in this dish?'

Don't expect the weight loss every week to reflect your effort that week, especially if you're female. But over time if you stick at it it really will even out.

Work exercise into your routine eg walk/cycle to work.
Always remember your superfree! Think 'how many types of veggies can I fit in this dish?'

Love this! It makes it into a challenge, great way to spur yourself on!
Plan your meals for the week and shop sensibly...you will find you save pennies as well as losing the other kind of pounds both are great motivators. Keep a food diary and write everything down so you can keep revisiting...and good luck
Look at your weight loss over a long period - if I have a week when I only lose half a pound or a pound, I look back over the whole month and then see how much has gone. Don't get disheartened if others are losing quicker than you are. Everyone is different and our bodies respond differently to what we put in them. You don't say how much you want to lose, but I knew from the beginning I was in it for the long haul and I knew I wouldn't be able to go for a prolonged length of time not eating and drinking exactly what I wanted from time to time. So I prepared myself for sticking to it MOST of the time but having the odd meal here and there which shot me over my syns (or the odd drink come to that!). But even though my weight loss is on the slow side, I'm not completely depriving myself and after 6 months I've lost every week except one when I maintained and that was while I was on holiday. It probably took me a good 6 weeks or so to understand how my body tolerated certain foods and how to tweak the plan to suit my lifestyle. Good luck!
Mine would be ....

Sit down and work out a complete meal plan for each week and then shop to that plan (I did mine a month at a time on an excel sheet, but I am - to say the least - slightly OCD about such things lol).

Batch cook and freeze ... it doesn't have to be a whole day set aside for cooking - for the first couple of weeks I cooked each evening but made large quantities (packed with superfree) and froze individual portions from what was left after I'd eaten. By the third week in I was only having to cook from scratch about 3 days a week (and used those 3 days to top up the freezer) - the rest of the time I always had a 'ready meal' handy (and still do) :D

If you have a large amount to lose then set yourself some targets that have nothing to do with weight or clothes size ... for me it was things like being able to cross my legs / run upstairs / have a bath towel wrap around me with no gap / being able to wear high heels again. It just gives you extra, mini goals, to aim for.