I have run out of Lipotrim... Any suggestions?



Am nearing the end of my first week on Lipotrim and was due to go and be weighed tomorrow after breakfast. Realised this evening that its a bank holiday weekend and the chemists wont be open. I only have one shake left.

Any suggestions on what i can eat tomorrow until I can get the the chemists on Tuesday?

i really dont want to try and last on one shake (apart from anything else, im spending the day with my three sons and husband. Husband isnt too keen on this diet so dont want to give him any more reason to moan. 4 year old son is intrigued by what im eating so is watching me like a hawk).

I did see someone on this group had a similar issue but she ended up mocing onto Cambridge diet. Thats not an option for me tomorrow.

Should i opt for protein only?

Yep stick to protein. Chicken and white fish only if you can, shy away from ham. What a shame the chemist didn't realise it was a bank holiday. Good luck for Tuesday :D