Cruise PP I have to ask....but WHY am I so constipated?


I am doing everything im supposed to and eating what im supposed to but I rarely get the urge.

When I do go, its minimal and I have to strain. Never feel like I have finished. I know this sounds disgusting, my apologies.

Surely, I am not the only one going through this....?
I take cod liver oil Cteena, I know we're not supposed to have oil either but I've had it every day since I was little and I think it helps with that side of things... Other than that there's the oat bran/ wheat bran *tolerated* and some people just go down the chemical route and get something from your pharmacist! Oh and I believe there's a tea you can get that makes you 'go' too!
Hence the green tea lol!

I have a tablespoon and a half oatbran morning and night with yoghurt. I may have to try some laxative I think, I know its discouraged but what else am I to do? Thanx wkdstepmum x
Well on the upside you'll probably be another lb down when you eventually do!!! :)
rhubarb works for me... or muffins as they have the oatbran and wheatbran in them
Its so uncomfortable. Can we eat rhubarb or do we do whatever works at times like this??

Cant believe you posted that 1 minute ago.....:sigh:
you can have it on PV days as its classed as a veg or i think its 100g as a tolerated item on PP days .. i microwave it with water till its very soft and mushy... then sweeten natural homemade yoghurt & add a bit vanilla..... its like eating rhubarb and custard lol
Unfortunately I have the opposite problem :( But I have heard that coffee can also work a treat :)
coffee doesnt work for me... i have 3 cups a day and still dont go LOL
I think from reflecting on what I drink, which is either diet coke, tea and coffee that im going to increase my water intake. I have irritable bowel so thats not will continue with meds.
It was Senna tea that I was thinking of, apparently one cup can help ease you without any nasty effects like taking a whole laxative! This diet apparently works wonders for IBS too, I think it was the lovely Atropos who said it cured hers.... I stand to be corrected though, might have been someone else x
Thanks wkdstepmum....i will have a look for that senna tea. I presume its health shops I get that from, I gotta go up walsall in week so will have a look in holland & barratts. Thanks again x
Cteena, I came to accept that while I was on the diet.. I was going once every 3 days, and when I did I was very surprised how much the quantity, shall we say, had decreased!. It is apparently normal to see a reduction in our stools as we are eating more protein than we would normally do.

Vitamin c ( if taken if a larger dose than usual, acts like a laxative ) also sugar free gum helped me in that department although I don't recommend chewing as much as I did as you get quite gassy and can be a bit crampy... but it does work a treat.

There are better options to help you with this like the ladies above have suggested, so try them out.
The last thing I did was relax and once every 3 days I went about my business and felt good afterwards.
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Hence the green tea lol!

I have a tablespoon and a half oatbran morning and night with yoghurt. I may have to try some laxative I think, I know its discouraged but what else am I to do? Thanx wkdstepmum x

Can I query the tablespoon and a half oatbran morning AND night? Are you on cruise phase? It's two tablespoons per day!

Are you alternating PVs and PPs? Try ice cold water first thing. Exercise helps.

We don't have or need as much output as we used to, because we're not having the fibre we used to, but if you're uncomfortable, use something...
I've found introducing Gogi berries to my (oatbran) pancake mix has helped - but every now and again I get the same symptoms as u for 3-4 days - I just tried drinking tons of water - will try rhubarb next if I can find some - not yet in supermarkets here and tinned stuff is in syrup!
I wouldn't reccommend senna tea. It WILL work but I found I was worse than ever for days after I took it! Lots of mugs of warm water in the morning is somewhat helpful. I used fibresure a few yrs ago (nothing to do with dukan) and it's fantastic! Sadly you can't get it in Ireland anymore though :( Linseed soaked in hot water is good too. Best of luck!