I just don't know what to do!


Full Member
I really need some other people's opinions as I'm sure I can't be alone in my dilemma!

I started the CD plan in January 2011 and lost a lot of weight in about 4 months. I had a huge amount of motivation as I'd had a baby in the September and was going back to work in the March so I didn't want to buy a whole new work wardrobe or face everyone thinking I hadn't managed to shift the extra weight I'd put on in pregnancy. I got down to about 12 st 12 at my lowest from my starting weight of 16 st 4. Which was fantastic considering I'd been about 15st 7.

My target weight was about 10 stone but I filled my head with a million excuses why I couldn't carry on but I think it all came down to missing food really bad and feeling like the odd one out in work constantly turning down everything apart from water and black tea.

So fast forward a year..I'm about 14 stone 4, halfheartedly plodding along with slimming world. My problem is that I have one half of me saying do it slow and steady and be satisfied with losing 0.5lb or 2lbs (on a good week) and the other half saying are you serious, you could have lost about 2 stone in the time its taken you to lose 7lbs!

Written down I sound like I'm quite insane but I have this crazy battle going on in my head I just really don't know whats for the best anymore :( I have about 4 stone to lose.

I'm almost convinced to get back on the plan..I just need a push in the right direction I think :D x
I think if you read back on your own message, you've already answered your own question :) i really really wanted to lose it gradually to make sure it stayed off, but i was losing the Will to live with tiny losses each week compared to CD. Especially if you've been on it before and it worked for you? Personally, i was losing motivation each week on WW Wand i needed food to be taken out of the equation completely. I know its a really un-sociable diet but remember how much easier it gets after a while, and for the sake of being a little bit different to your friends/colleagues at lunch time you'll get the reward of losing a stack of weight week after week. That's the only thing keeping me going, and the fact that i don't have to keep wondering what im gonna make for lunch and dinner etc! Good luck x
I agree. I know this plan is really unsociable and hard but it works like no other and I wish I had discovered it yrs ago x Good luck with your decision x
How about a happy medium of doing step 2 or 3 on CD then you might not miss food? I was happily plodding along on SW like you just losing 1lb a week and I just thought sod it, I need to get this done!

You said yourself you're almost convinced to get back on the plan.....:)
Thanks everyone :) I know you're all right! I have such a busy year ahead with weddings/hens weekends and I really want to be 10 stone by August which is absolutely do able on CD and highly unlikely with anything else so I really have no choice!! eek can't believe I'm putting myself back through it again but I know it will be worth it! :) :)

I've tried all the steps with CD, I think my CDC was just desperately trying anything to keep me motivated but as soon as I started introducing food I started cheating again..I can't trust myself lol

Luckily I still have quite a few packets left still in date so I can get a good headstart cost wise before starting again :)

Thanks all x
Why dont you try cambridge again, but do it how i am this time ive allowed myself a couple of coffees a day with milk in. Its made such a difference i dont feel so left out and am able to diet without explaining to everyone what im doing. Plus its not made any difference to my weight loss as ive lost 2 stone in 7 weeks:D
I posted on restarters a while ago called why 2nd time round might be better. Have a look as it might help you. Good luck :)
Hi Annie, I read it and it really sparked some positives thoughts! I'm happy to say I'm now through my 4th day and well into ketosis whoop whoop! Haha hopefully 4 months and I'll be at goal :D 2nd time lucky I hope x
I've been messing about on ww and sw since
january, and now, 9 wks away from my holiday, I've finally decided drastic measures are called for, and you know what? I think it actually works better for me this way than losing a pound or none a wk! I'm having a meal replacement bar and shake per day, plus a meal at tea time which is usually stir fry with fish or low fat sausage with loads of veg, or even a ww ready meal with loads of veg. Really just avoiding carbs such as potato and pasta. Plus, having that meal each day means I don't cheat as I've got ' normal' food to look forward to each day. It's working for me so far, day 5 and I've already lost 5 lb. I'm more than happy. Maybe a mixture of food and meal replacement stuff would suit you if you aren't ready for full on meal replacement diet? I get mine from Avidlite website.
Hello :)
Everything u said in ur MSG is how I feel! I lost a lot of weight on cd about a yr ago and gradually the weight went back on cos I ate badly! I know that now but was so happy with the weight loss I wanted to enjoy myself! I've struggled to get back into cd - when u've done it once u don't ever imagine yourself doing it again... I'm now dy 3 and so glad I've made the right decision! I just want the weight off now...
We can do this :) x
Thanks for the support everyone! Ah Em it's so tough to face CD again I've had a few half hearted attempts since my first attempt but usually failed on the 2nd day but I'm going strong and feeling good this time. I've had a real good talk to myself because I've maintained at least two stone of my original weight loss for months and I have just four stone to get to my lowest weight ever in my adult life! I need to do this to satisfy all those thoughts of..if I was slim I would be this, or do this or be better at that! I need to find out whether that's the reality! Always happy to offer you any support if you need it just pm me xx
aww thank you :) 2nd time round is a struggle - i like you have had a few failed attempts but I'm back on it now and I'm determined. I have my goals and I've set myself dates. I'm being totally realistic this time and I know not to be too hard on myself... What's meant to be will be but I'm gonna try bl**dy hard to get the outcome I want lol. I also have about 4 st to lose... I dont see myself as the size 14 that I am - I see myself as smaller than that and I will be! SOON! haha... we'll knuckle down and get ourselves to the end of our journey... and we'll keep it off too xx
I've just seen that there is a strictly ss forum that you can sign up to and there is not any mention of food allowed - I seen your post and thought that might be a good one for you!? I need to get my posts up to 50 before I can join haha! go have a look and let me know :) speak soon x