I lost what?!?!


Full Member
Hi! I'm not sure if this is a very well known resource and I'm just late (as usual), but I discovered this website yesterday, called ilostwhat.com
... you pop in your name and what you've lost (in pounds), and it basically tells you the equivalent of what you've lost!
I thought it might be fun to start a thread where everyone posts not the weight they've lost, but the equivalent of what they've lost!

I'll go first- so since I started exante I've lost....

I've lost 15 cans of soda... Now, I've carried a crate of 12 before and that aint light!
ha brilliant website.

I've lost 16 basketballs
So the max it would let me put in is 100lbs so I did it in two bits. Therefore I've lost a two month old horse and a human head...

That sounds like a brilliant Halloween costume!
I've lost the amount of cheese consumed by an 'average' person in a year! Considering my love of cheese, I've never felt so far from average in my life! :roofles:
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