I really love this diet!

I'm just amazed!

I had macaroni cheese tonight over cauli with some lettuce on the side, it was gorgeous!! with my nightly can of dr pepper zero....

I feel like a different person, i have so much energy, (my dr thought i had IBS but i think its wheat intolerence hence me feeling so good on this diet)

I don't feel hungry, i get to eat nice things, im improving my water itake and ive just done 20 mins on my treadmill.

I'm looking forwards to Tuesday for my first weigh in!
Someone I work with has felt fantastic since she did a VLCD. She gets stomach pains and eczema and when she was on her VLCD that all went away. First time she added bread into her diet when she stopped she ended up bloated again with her skin flaring up so her problem is obviously a food intolerance too. Good luck for your first WI!
Yes, i get awful cramps, i have ezema too, bloatedness and the tiredness was ridiculous... when i woke up at 7:30am i was thinking when will i be able to have a nap? i HAD to sleep during the day i was that tired.

I've not had a nap since starting this and I have been sorting and cleaning like a maniac, i just feel like a proper person again, I know that sounds dramatic but ive been sluggish for so, so long :(
Slim and save does help to suss out food intolerances. I, unfortunately, have IBS and while I was on slim&save it was still uncomfortable at times but definitely better than when eating conventional foods. What I do find that helps me a lot is flax meal. I have a tsp of it in my porridge or soup everyday and it keeps me, ahem, regular :D