can someone double check for me?
im not sure what info is needed to find out, but if someone can check for me, just tell me what info is needed
It works out you should be on 46 It's the calculator I use as I don't go to class. Not sure if you want to get someone with all the right details to double check that!
can i be your buddy please, i cant get to a class so im trying to do ww on my own. im waiting for my calculator to come (ebay comes in handy) my daughters a great help, shes making me menues and helping me to work the pro points x
That online calc is a bit annoying as it's european and I'm used to working in imperial! Your height, if 177cm (what I use for being 5'10") gives you 46pp, but I used a website to get the true centimetre value which means you're 177.8cm, and you'll be on 47 propoints! Just thought I'd add that in (using my iphone before so getting annoyed with typing on it )