I will NOT be fat at 40!

yo-yo queen

New Member
Hi everyone :wavey:

I'm a serial dieter coming up to a very important birthday in Feb next year.
I've tried over & over with many different diets & only ever had success with SW.
My motivation is rubbish :sigh: I just can't seem to stick to anything!
Anyway my hubbie renewed our life cover at the weekend & had to make me 2" taller and 1.5st lighter than I actually am so the premium didn't go up too much :eek: cue huge wake up call & me trying again.

So ... I'll weigh myself tomorrow & try very hard to stick to something vaguely resembling SW.

Really hoping threads on here give me some motivation & keep me on the straight & narrow!

Lou x
Well I decided that I don't like my scales lol, they make me far too heavy!

Breakfast: 28g all bran clusters, HexB I hope
Lunch: jacket with beans
Snack: melon
2nd Snack: 28g cheddar (HexA) & rest of melon (eaten in desparation when I got home from work)
Tea: chicken (HexB) with potato wedges, brocolli, peas & sprouts
Also had milk in tea though the day (HexA)

not had a single biscuit, cake, crisp, no toast or cheese sandwiches while waiting for tea to cook - am quite pleased with myself really :)

lou x