IBS and SW


Gold Member
Have searched for this but only found old threads so thought I'd be better to start a new one.

Since restarting SW I have been experiencing symptoms of IBS (by the power of google) I haven't been to the Dr and don't know whether to or to see if things settle down.

Am wondering how people with IBS manage when on SW as at the moment my stomach seems to be objecting to lots of the superfree foods :confused:
Hi Emsie,

I have suffered with digestive health issues for most of my life and IBS for a good few years now...there a few different types but the one I suffered with was, not sure how to put this politely....but needing the toilet like right now and often with no or little warning of an attack so it was taking over my life as I refused to go out unless I had to because I was suffering badly every day and always needed to be near a toilet just in case and the tablets the doctors gave me made it worse so had no help in managing it.

Over the last couple of years I have found, mostly by trial and error, the foods which trigger an attack for me so I have been able to manage it well for about the last year and was only suffering about once a week or when lucky every other week.

One of the things I found was that when I have too much fibre and roughage, so wholemeal bread/pasta/rice and/or too much fruit and veg it often went straight through me (sorry if too much information) and I would be in agony with stomach cramps so that meant I was eating rubbish because food became scary for me and this was the only food group that didn’t make me ill but it meant I got to the size I am.
Obviously at the core of SW is eating much more fruit and veg so this did worry me and over the first couple of weeks I did have a couple of bad days because of this but now 10 weeks in I have got rid of the junk and am eating fruit and veg as a regular part of my diet and my system seems to have got used to it. On a positive note my IBS is the best it has been in ages, I still avoid wholemeal rice/pasta because I still suffer if I have too much fibre but it’s getting better for me.
So I’d say stick with it as it’s probably just your body getting used to a new, more healthy diet however if you don’t get better soon do go and see a doctor xx
p.s – sorry this is such an essay but thought some background would be helpful
Thanks for the reply it is useful and the background. I think am going to have to try and note the triggers which seem to be fruits at the moment. I've eaten lots of fruit for ages so am surprised in the change of habits but will have o see how it goes. I do have wholemeal pasta and rice etc and hope I don't have to change that but we shall see.
I think am starting to stress because am back at work next week,I don't lie 'going' other than at home and at work it would be horrid as the toilets are in block of cubicles :eek:
Have you started to eat or drink anything new? I think as you're used to fruit and already had wholemeal pasta/rice etc then you shouldn't need to change that but I think you're right to try and make a note of anything you may have done or eaten differently around the time when you're unwell and see if you spot a patten or maybe you've just caught a mild bug and it'll clear up on it's own but don't suffer too long see a Doc if needed.

Totally understand about the going at work thing as it's not nice, I was lucky as I used to work for quite a large firm so would use the toilets futher away from where most of us were as they were generally not used and I was even in the habit of carrying a mini deodorant/body spray in my bag to use as an air freshner as often I didn't have to choice to 'hold it' until I got home lol

If I can be of any help at all let me know but I hope you manage to get better xx
I do totally agree with Jezzi so don't suffer in silence or feel embarresed if you are still struggling, as your Doctor will have seen and dealt with much worse and it's better to put your mind at rest. It took me over a year to go to my doctors as I thought it was silly to see them for something like that and was worried I was stopping them seeing someone 'really ill' but that was rubbish as I was really ill and getting it diagnosed really helped me on my road to recovery.

You never know it may just be the worry of going back to work after a bit of time off and once you're back it'll clear up and when you were on holiday hopefully you were relaxed so that may be why you were better when you were away.
I think I suffer with IBSEN too, I went to the doctor about it and he just sent me away saying he didn't know what it was! I never went back!

Ive put it down to eating too much bread products, which being on SW is good for this, but when I've had off days etc and eaten a fair bit of bread the tummy goes funny! I think stress plays a lot to do with it as well, the more I was stressing and worrying the worse it was getting.
It does sound like it's worth a trip to your Doctor then as they may be able to send you for tests to rule out/find out if you have any food intolerences as it may be something as simple as that x
also keep an eye on what you are drinking, i used to think it was food that was making mine worse telling myself i couldnt eat bread, mushrooms, grapes,basically anything that had yeast in it but as it turns out it was pepsi max and diet coke which was the bad guys now i can eat almost everything which i couldnt before, and only have the pop now and again and if i do have to much then the pains start again
also keep an eye on what you are drinking, i used to think it was food that was making mine worse telling myself i couldnt eat bread, mushrooms, grapes,basically anything that had yeast in it but as it turns out it was pepsi max and diet coke which was the bad guys now i can eat almost everything which i couldnt before, and only have the pop now and again and if i do have to much then the pains start again

I have this too, I can not drink Coke of any type, I am so pleased not to be the only one as I have never known of anyone else who has this issue!! x
I don't drink coke etc very often I drink 2 cups of tea and a cup of coffee a day which has caffeine in though but hopefully won't have to give them up.
I think will just have to monitor things I was just worried about having to limit fruit/veg because I rely on them a lot when doing sw and just wondered how people did it but as said it might not actually be the fruit/veg it could be another food or something else entirely!
it may not be the tea or coffee but the milk you put in, i just wrote everything down for about a month to see what was happening