If at first...


Full Member
I started slimming world, going it alone a few weeks ago. I started off ok but after 10 days away I am nearly back to where I started from.
Today I took the plunge and have joined a class. Everyone seemed really lovely. I was made to feel welcome and am feeling really positive about it!
I have reset my tickers and my profile information for todays starting weight. Although I had lost a few pounds I dont want to confuse myself.
So Thursday is my new weigh day and I am going to give extra easy a try for the first few weeks and then see.
I started a food diary before so will carry on with that.
We have another holiday booked for 7 weeks time so I am hoping to have lost 10lbs by then!
Well I had a successful day yesterday. It all went to plan.
My husband has started Atkins which is going to cause a bit of a headache over the next few weeks!
We are spring cleaning today. I already have 4 bin bags of clothes for the charity shop and havent started the children's yet!
I cleared the loft and anything that hasn't been worn for a year has been banished. Maybe I will be filling the gaps with new smaller clothes! Heres hoping!
So have had my caffeine fix, resisted the biscuits. Quick browse on here then back to it!!
Ooo two diets going on in the same house....sounds painful! Good luck!
Its really painful at the moment but sunday we will sit down and come up with a meal plan that can be tweaked to suit us both.
The children will be back and school having school lunches so only have to worry about snacky teas for them!!
My hubby will be doing a bit more cooking I think!!
Well I have successfully completed a week of slimming world and am proud to say I believe I was 100%. Weigh in is at half nine tomorrow. Do I have breakfast or not? Decisions decisions!!
I have to say I have really enjoyed the week. Everything I have eaten I have enjoyed and love the fact that I can use syns to curb my chocolate craving!
The fact that hubby is doing Atkins gave me a bit of a headache to start with fretting about how I was going to feed us all but it got better and we are finding our way!
Thankfully we have no social events coming up because I have zero self control when out with friends/family!
Hope you have all had a good week!
Well the hard work has paid off and I have lost a very lovely 5 1/2lbs!
Thought I had lost but not that much. I have just celebrated with a slimming world breakfast and a coffee with real sugar in it:eek:.
I feel so motivated and am going to sit down this afternoon and write a meal plan to make the week ahead easier!