I'm about to embark on my journey... help!


I'm going to be starting on exante this week and wondered what hints and tips you can give me, any information would be useful, I'm interested to know how quickly ketosis kicks in and whether any cheating happened in your first few days simply because you were starving! Did you have any adverse side affects in the first week??

Thanks in advance

I am on day 9 of Exante today. I have lost 8 pounds. I have stayed, and will stay, 100% TS. I have been drinking just water and black coffee.

The first 3 days were the hardest. I felt quite hungry- but not starving!

Apart from a bit of a headache the first days I have felt perfectly fine.

Not sure about the ketosis as I have no symptoms.

I am using soups and bars as I didn't fancy the shake idea somehow.

You name the diet and I have done it, but this is the first VLCD I have done.

Taking food entirely out of the equation is surprisingly liberating!

You can do it too! Good luck.

I am still on my first week so still a newbie really. I can't tell whether I am in ketosis or not. I am on day five today and this is the first day I haven't felt hungry at some point. I did cheat yesterday with something very small as I felt really ill. Sick and headachey. But today I feel fine so perhaps that is a sign ketosis has kicked in. Anyway I think the number of days varies quite a lot from person to person although I think most people get there in the first week from what I have read.

I would say the most annoying side effect is the water intake. I am having to go to the loo quite frequently at night and then I am tired in the morning! But the weight loss is well worth it. I have been weighing daily out of curiousity and the results are pretty good - 9lb so far.

Everyone seems to like different packs on exante so I would say try them all and mix and match too. There are some really good ideas on here about how to add variety.

Hope this helps :) Let us know how you are getting on.
Hiya and good luck on starting exante :D

I always go into ketosis between day and 4 and 5, up to then its normal to expect headaches ( sugar and carb withdrawl ) which you can take paracetamol for and drink plenty , lack of energy , hunger , and thousands of trip to the loo as your body gets rid of all the fluid it stores with excess carbs ( 4lb of water for every 1lb of glycogen store !!) , some people find the first week really hard , some not so bad , but if you can focus on the fact that it is only temporary , and that you will feel loads better by day 5 , then you can get through it :)

My tips are -

-drink plenty , if you feel hungry , drink some more !
-space your shakes out well , I like to wait till lunch for my first , then tea time , then I have one left for the evening
- make mini goals like , get through an hour , a day , 2 days , a week etc .. seems more achievable than a big goal
- keep an eye on your, erm, bowel habits , many people will have the runs first few days as your body gets used to all the concentrated vitamins and minerals , but then it can make you constipated , you can use movicol , dulco pico perles , senna , or use regular fibre ( benefibre ) in your shakes , but keep an eye on it as it can get quite ... uncomfortable !!
- find an alternative treat to food , a manicure , new lippie , etc when you reach your mini goals
- keep busy , I always do lots of cleaning to keep me occupied
- use minimins a lot , read peoples diaries , inspirational stories , start your own diary to keep track of how you are feeling
- and the one I think makes the difference between succeeding and not ....... positivity :D If you see the diet as a positive start to a new you , be excited about it , think about how you will feel when you are slim , the things you can do that you cant now , maybe even buy a gorgeous dress or pair of jeans in your target size ... if you keep your eye on the prize its lots easier :)

Wishing you good luck and hope to see your great 1st weeks weigh in soon
Hi Crazysexycool :) (is that from the TLC album?)

I did total solution for 3 days before stopping because I felt so ill. I had headache, nausea, dizziness and leg cramps. I have been doing working solution for the last week, gearing myself up to try total solution again. The advice I was given for dealing with symptoms was: take pain relievers for the headache, drink extra water and add some salt to the soups to help with leg cramps. As for the nausea, no one is really sure, but people suggested drinking some boullion may help.
On the 4th day I lost my appetite completely and couldn't even get any of the packs down. I was craving vegetables the whole time and was quite hungry. i think your activity level has a lot to do with whether you're hungry or not. I am out and about most of the day and so I think that the side effects hit me harder than some people because of that.

With any luck, you will be in the majority that have very minor discomfort and will have no problems on this diet.
Good luck! I am on day 8 TS and I still have the leg cramps so I am having to take a painkiller every night which I am a bit worried about (I don't like taking pills lol) because I am not eating with them so I worry about the effect on my stomach?!? Anyway, I hardly get any hunger feelings now but I did week 1 on 4 packs as when I tried 3 I felt really ill and now start of week 2 I find I can't manage 4. I still lost 5 pounds having 4 packs :)

Day 4 was the hardest for me but from day 5 onwards I can honestly say I felt a lot better :) and I didn't 'cheat' at all.

You do need to see this in a very positive way and not dwell on all the things you will feel you are missing out on. once the weight starts to come off that really boosts the motivation - and don't forget we are all here to help along the way :D