Hiya and good luck on starting exante
I always go into ketosis between day and 4 and 5, up to then its normal to expect headaches ( sugar and carb withdrawl ) which you can take paracetamol for and drink plenty , lack of energy , hunger , and thousands of trip to the loo as your body gets rid of all the fluid it stores with excess carbs ( 4lb of water for every 1lb of glycogen store !!) , some people find the first week really hard , some not so bad , but if you can focus on the fact that it is only temporary , and that you will feel loads better by day 5 , then you can get through it
My tips are -
-drink plenty , if you feel hungry , drink some more !
-space your shakes out well , I like to wait till lunch for my first , then tea time , then I have one left for the evening
- make mini goals like , get through an hour , a day , 2 days , a week etc .. seems more achievable than a big goal
- keep an eye on your, erm, bowel habits , many people will have the runs first few days as your body gets used to all the concentrated vitamins and minerals , but then it can make you constipated , you can use movicol , dulco pico perles , senna , or use regular fibre ( benefibre ) in your shakes , but keep an eye on it as it can get quite ... uncomfortable !!
- find an alternative treat to food , a manicure , new lippie , etc when you reach your mini goals
- keep busy , I always do lots of cleaning to keep me occupied
- use minimins a lot , read peoples diaries , inspirational stories , start your own diary to keep track of how you are feeling
- and the one I think makes the difference between succeeding and not ....... positivity
If you see the diet as a positive start to a new you , be excited about it , think about how you will feel when you are slim , the things you can do that you cant now , maybe even buy a gorgeous dress or pair of jeans in your target size ... if you keep your eye on the prize its lots easier
Wishing you good luck and hope to see your great 1st weeks weigh in soon