I'm back...

Devon Dolce

1lb at a time!
....and looks like I have A LOT to catch up on! DD xxx
Hi DD - welcome back. You'll find that quite a lot of the old gang hardly ever post anymore - I think most of them are still with us but stick to one or two threads. The forum seems very quiet these days :cry:
Hooray!!! Good to see you again hun. Xx

Hello you! How's things?! Just finding my way around the new look site and catching up on the threads xxx
Hi DD - welcome back. You'll find that quite a lot of the old gang hardly ever post anymore - I think most of them are still with us but stick to one or two threads. The forum seems very quiet these days :cry:
Helloooooooooooooooooooo, so pleased to see you DD. I have missed you and often wondered how you are and how things are........i.e. job, which was a new job then, marriage , oh yes and how about weight lol !!!!

Minimunchkin is quite right about us oldies. We are here but not so active. Off Topic seems to be made up of game type posts and very little else these days.

I am sure that most of us are here in a daily basis just to keep up with anything that is keepupable with !!!

Looking forward to catching up with you and hearing all your news,

big, big hugs xxxxxxxxxx