Hi all, I restarted Cd yesterday so today is day 2 and I really am motivated this time so i thought I would do my own diary!
My start weight is 17st 7lbs which is the most I have ever weighed and it is telling on me physically. I have back ache most of the time and my poor old knees hurt. Im already on bp and cholesterol meds so hoping these may be reduced once I lose a decent amount of weight. Also I look rubbish at this weight, Im nearly 49 and cant remember the last time I went shopping for clothes and enjoyed the experience, I just go shopping when I NEED clothes not when I want them. This has got to change!!!!!
Ive always been inclined to be podgy but its gone overboard since I lost my brother and my Father within 4 days of each other but that was over 4 yrs ago(even tho I miss them as much as ever) so I believe Ive just got used to comfort eating and my appetite has got bigger as a result. One thing I must stop is getting up at night and stuffing my face(you are the only people I have admitted this to).
Anyway sorry to keep on but today is day 2,dont feel the full ticket-a bit sick and heady but I knew to expect that.early night for me and I will NOT get up and eat.This weight is going to come off and stay off and if I can give anyone any encouragement along the way thats even better.
Hope I havent bored anyone too much,take care all xxxx
My start weight is 17st 7lbs which is the most I have ever weighed and it is telling on me physically. I have back ache most of the time and my poor old knees hurt. Im already on bp and cholesterol meds so hoping these may be reduced once I lose a decent amount of weight. Also I look rubbish at this weight, Im nearly 49 and cant remember the last time I went shopping for clothes and enjoyed the experience, I just go shopping when I NEED clothes not when I want them. This has got to change!!!!!
Ive always been inclined to be podgy but its gone overboard since I lost my brother and my Father within 4 days of each other but that was over 4 yrs ago(even tho I miss them as much as ever) so I believe Ive just got used to comfort eating and my appetite has got bigger as a result. One thing I must stop is getting up at night and stuffing my face(you are the only people I have admitted this to).
Anyway sorry to keep on but today is day 2,dont feel the full ticket-a bit sick and heady but I knew to expect that.early night for me and I will NOT get up and eat.This weight is going to come off and stay off and if I can give anyone any encouragement along the way thats even better.
Hope I havent bored anyone too much,take care all xxxx