Importance of positive approach


Full Member
I of course tried several diets over the years, some successful, some ended after a couple of pounds..
I normally feel depressed because of the weight I am carrying around or because of the things I can't have..

From day 1 on the diet this time, I really felt good, confident that this will work and it did! Not a miracle of course, any diet you manage to follow will help you but it becomes a fight and drains a whole lot of energy to continue normally.. I can say after the first few weeks I am not putting any extra effort and it happens.. of course I have bad days, who doesn't? But they are not food related:)

I have 400 grams to to lose to reach sixties which is my mini goal, good bye seventies! I will never do this to myself again and go above seventies yet alone eighties!

Have a nice day everyone.. (it is morning here)
Keep positive no matter what!:)
I of course tried several diets over the years, some successful, some ended after a couple of pounds..
I normally feel depressed because of the weight I am carrying around or because of the things I can't have..

From day 1 on the diet this time, I really felt good, confident that this will work and it did! Not a miracle of course, any diet you manage to follow will help you but it becomes a fight and drains a whole lot of energy to continue normally.. I can say after the first few weeks I am not putting any extra effort and it happens.. of course I have bad days, who doesn't? But they are not food related:)

I have 400 grams to to lose to reach sixties which is my mini goal, good bye seventies! I will never do this to myself again and go above seventies yet alone eighties!

Have a nice day everyone.. (it is morning here)
Keep positive no matter what!:)

Well done on your fantastic loss!

I know it is early days for me yet but I too feel extremely positive about this diet which has a realistic approach to "life after diet" - the tips and recipes on here really help too.
From day 1 on the diet this time, I really felt good, confident that this will work and it did!

I think being in the right frame of mind is soooo important when starting a diet and confidence that it'll work is half the psychological battle won straight away. I think going into a diet thinking 'this won't work' is always doomed to failure and like you I went into this diet confident that it would work. I'd done a lot of research into and decided that it was the one for me :)

I think it also helps that we're not counting anything. Yes, some people could say that we're 'restricted', but I've never eaten so freely in my life and haven't had to sit of an evening frantically counting up points to figure out if I can have a piece of fruit with my cuppa!!

So I'm also feeling positive and very glad that I made the decision to do this diet :D
I love this diet, best bit is not feeling hungry, normally my downfall, I can hold my will power if I'm not hungry. Plus nice consistant weight loss. I'm a convert xx
I think being positive is the absolute key to the success of any diet... The minute you stop being positive and start feeling negative and getting into a funk it makes it so much easier to cheat or give up. Besides, feeling sorry for yourself and being a victim is more unattractive than carrying a few extra pounds so best to shed the emotional weight to help yourself shed the physical weight!
And I am below 70 today:D I haven't seen sixties in the scale since 2002!
By the way, for the first time, I cheated this week so wasn't expecting weight loss (I had a glass of wine on my birthday, god knows I needed it!:eek:)
So true about the emotional stuff we carry around wcd, I am trying to get rid of mine lately but not sure how exactly:(
Oh believe me I'm not an expert either Elida, I think we all carry weight for our own reasons and they're not necessarily universal but being aware that there is an underlying reason other than hunger is sometimes enough to stop the cycle x
Ps Belated happy birthday and congratulations on your wonderful weight loss! x
It seems to me that the mild buzz of ketosis is one of the things which helps to keep us positive on this diet.

I know that, once the initial flue-y-ness had passes, I felt more energised and positive in cruise than I had for a very very long time. I miss it, from time to time!
I think being positive is absolutely crucial, as is realising this is a 'long-haul' deal, changing your relationship with food for ever because ultimately it's a lot easier to lose weight than it is to keep it off and change in-grained eating habits.

IMO the absolute worst thing to do is view this as a 'quick fix' because, if you do that, the moment you have a week where you don't lose enough or even put on a few 1lbs, you'll become disheartened and give up. Even if you do get to your target weight, if you view that as the 'fix' then it's more likely you'll become complacent, slip back into old habits and start regaining the weight again.
Absolutely agree Pudding!!! This is a marathon, not a sprint!
Lovely thread!

This is the most successful I've ever been on a diet. I totally and completely believe that I will get to my goal weight. Don't know when, but it will happen.

For 25 years I've failed at dieting. This time I've succeeded but I haven't changed. I'm still the same person as I was through all those years of trying every diet under the sun, quickly becoming demotivated and giving up, over and over and over.

So I definitely believe that it's the diet itelf that has maintained my positivity. It's easy to stick to. Cravings, blood sugar dips and hunger pangs are a thing of the past. I know it works, I am proof of that as are so many others on here. What is there not to be positive about?
Yep, i agree. This is the first diet that's lasted longer than a week and im not fed up with! Feel very confident about this.....
Wheesht, what a nice post!
I have a whole new approach about relations nowadays, I try to avoid people who depress me for whatever reason and try to spend more time with optimists to learn how to be one!
I wish I had more people like you in my life-real life I mean..
Skinnyminny, with this determination I am sure you will get where you wanna be;)
Wheesht, what a nice post!
I have a whole new approach about relations nowadays, I try to avoid people who depress me for whatever reason and try to spend more time with optimists to learn how to be one!
I wish I had more people like you in my life-real life I mean..

Aw how lovely, thanks! :)

I do have my fair share of moans and groans (just ask my husband - he will confirm this...) but feeling better about myself has made a real difference to my optimism!

I'm sure you will find the same. As your confidence and self esteem grows because of what you have achieved (which it will if it hasn't already) , your optimism will naturally increase.