In 6 months time...


Silver Member
Thought this might give some of us a bit of a shuv in the right direction as sometimes when your dieting it just seems such a long journey but with this diet, we get such quick results (well i hope I get quick results anyway!) so alot can change in just 6months!

Write where your be in 6 months time and the change you think it will have on your life.

In 6 months time -

*I will be at a healthy weight for my height and will be either at my target weight or my target weight will be in sight.
*I will be able to wear what clothes I want to wear instead of what makes me look less fat or what fits.
*I wont be so self conscious all the time
*I will stop letting others treat me badly because I dont think Im worthy of anything else, soley because Im over weight.
*My relationship with food will be better and under control.
*I will be able to seriously start to work at my fitness levels so I can do a Trek in Brazil in aid of Afghan Hero's in memory of my friend who was killed in Afghan this year, something I just couldnt do at the moment due to my weight.
*I will be small enough to compete one of my horses as at the moment I am too heavy to ride him and someone else gets all the glory of competing him.
*I will be happy, content, confident and healthy!
Oooh, that's a good idea.

Hmmm, well, in 6 months time
- I will be 'overweight' for the first time as an adult (currently I'm obese class III, so need to go have reduced my BMI by 14 from where I started)
- I will be able to buy clothes in normal shops, and not just the 'fat ones' or catalogues.
- I will be helping to teach my daughter healthy ways of eating, so that hopefully she won't develop bad eating habits like I did.
- I will be happy having my photo taken with my daughter and will be pleased with the pictures.
- I will be fitter and able to cycle to work sometimes (without looking like a tomato for the rest of the day!)
- I will be able to wear dresses next summer without worrying so much about what my tummy looks like
In six months I will be visiting my mum in Spain for her 50th birthday. I haven't seen her for over a year and am going to wow her with my new look.
I am going to get excited when I am going out because I will have nice clothes that look good on me.
I will be healthy and happier in myself xx
Love this, what a great idea!

Okay in 6 months
I'll be about to greet my second grandchild into the world with me being a healthy weight, and hopefully not worrying about not seeing him/her and their big sister (who'll then be 20 months) grow up.
I'll hopefully be about 11 stone, going on the stone per month loss and can shop anywhere
I'll be looking forward to a holiday in the summer and being slim enough not to worry about anything
If the government axe on public spending falls on me then I won't be worrying about making a horrendous first impression if I need to go for interviews
I'll smile for me - I do that now but will probably do it more

In 6 months time i'll be
* The lowest weight I have been in 10 years and at goal
*running the british 10K (well 9 months) for help the heros, proud to be a forces wife:)
*looking forward to a slimmer summer
*Be in control of my eating, my emotions and eat to enjoy not eat to fill:eek:
*Not panic for the summer Ball because I know I will fit into a dress when the time comes!
* feel better within myself

Good thread xx
Great thread SammyE :D

In 6 months -

- Based on losing a stone a month Ill be at the heaviest 11-12 stone (unless Im super lucky and shift more a month)
- Ill be able to shop in normal clothes shops
- I will look better during my bridesmaid dress fittings
- On My sisters hen do abroad, I wont be upset by my appearance as much
- Most of all I will be proud
- People who probbaly dont believe I can do it will have changed their minds MWAH HA HA HA
- I will hopefully be able to enjoy having a photo taken without having to quickly untag myself on facebook!! or hide behind other people.
- Ill still have a chance to lose another 2 stone before I am bridesmaid
I will be back at my normal weight and have maintained it for 2-3months.
I will be a full-time fitness instructor.
I will be back on the mainland near friends and family.
I will be training for my first marathon.

Lets hope I'm right!
What a lovely thread to inspire us all!

In six months time I will be at goal & be able to:

- Go & see my family in Macedonia without them telling me how fat I am (they are so blunt - a spade is most definitely a spade)
- Have a normal social life, not avoid and panic about situations because I don't have anything to wear etc. Also see old friends without feeling embarrassed.
- Keep up with my little ones & be a more positive role model.
- Enjoy our family holiday abroad without feeling uncomfortable by the pool or excessively warm.

I could go on, but my list would be endless. The weight basically dictates almost everything I do & how I do it. To not have that would just be marvellous. x
This really is an awesome thread, I hope we are all where/how we want to be in 6 months time :)

Ok in 6 months time....
*I will have lost at least 6 stone, taking me to about 14 stone, a weight I haven't been in over 5 years.

*Be able to get into size 18 clothes as my mum brought me a whole new wardrobe in this size and I wanna wear it! (I've based this on being 14 stone, I was a size 18 when I was that weight before)

*I will be getting ready to run or jog the race for life in the summer, so far I can only walk it.

*I will be looking to book a holiday abroad for my birthday. I refuse to go anywhere other than the uk right now as I'm worried about not fitting in the plane seat comfortably.

*I will be more confident and not hate the way I look so I will stop running away everytime I see someone with a camera!

*I will be able to shop in normal shops so when my friends ask if I wanna go out shopping I can go knowing I will buy stuff that will fit instead of only being able to buy jewellery.

*I want to show the people that have told me I will always be fat that they are wrong.

*I will be able to go out to pubs/bars/restaurants without feeling like I am the biggest person in the room. And without worrying when we get there if I can actually fit past chairs/tables without bumping into people.

Ok I'll stop there, I could go on forever it seems, I didn't think I'd be able to think of any!

Claire x
love this thread - really inspiring

In six months time...

- I will have reached my target weight of nine stone
- Be able to go surfing with my boyfriend without feeling like a hefer
- Be proud of myself and my body
- Be running my local half marathon
- Be a size 10
- Not have to worry about what people think about me
- Have bucketloads of confidence!!!!
I love reading this and I'd love to read everyone's version in 6 months as to how it does feel - we'll get there! xx
in 6 months time I will:

* be at target and maintaining - at lowest ever adult weight
* will be feeling healthy and confident
* will feel able to take part in any fitness activity I want without worrying how bad I will look
* will be able to go back to my caravan in cornwall for the new season and enjoy swimming in the sea without thinking the coastguard will be alerted to a beached whale
* to be able to snuggle up to my husband and feel sexy & lovely & not like a fat lump

and more and more things the longer I think about it.
I'll try and remember to bring the post back up in 6 months time and see how we all got on hehe.

Its actually quite crazy to think that in 6 months time, I could be at my goal weight!
Just upping as we have a lot of new people now :)
Ohh....I like this idea
In 6 months time I will be able to:
+ Feel sexy and wear whatever I like!
+ Be So much fitter and healthier!
+ Sit in ANY chair I like without worrying I will break it or have it permanently wedged to me on standing!
+ Run around without worrying my boobs will cause serious injury to anyone standing by...

Sure there are loads of other reasons I can't think of right now....but to be healthier and less lethargic is definitely a priority!
In six months time I want to be more healthy and feel better and more confident about my body. I want to be tighter and toned around my lower abs (2 c-sections) and I want to have fun doing outdoor activities with my active and fit husband and my then 4 yr old. I want to be a yummy mummy to my two girls and you know what I want to be able to feel confident to wear nice things for my husband shall we say!!! hehe
I want to wear nice clothes and skinny jeans tucked into boots and I want to look forward to going on our family holiday, not thinking ohh I wish I had did it.
I want people to notice me because I look good rather than me worry that they look because I'm fat.

Most of all I want to show everyone that I have done it! Plus I have a school reunion next yr and when I left school I was very petite and I swear I will walk to that reunion looking dame flipping good!
What a lovely post:)

In 6 months time....
- Fingers crossed be 14 stone thus 6 stone lighter
- I will be a size 14 and shop in Topshop, River Island and all those shops that l have never been in for fear of embarassment:cry:. Buy sexy lingerie from Anne Summers
- See family and friends that i haven`t seen in years. Mum will be so proud been obese since 7 or 8. It`s her fault though lol
- Hopefully stop wearing control undies l mean them thick ones like shorts that suck everything in lol
- Love me more coz l have stuck to the diet and have a fab body
- Not be the fat friend or fat mummy at my sons school. I don`t go to mummy and baby groups coz l feel like am being starred at:cry:
- Be able to do naughty stuff without feeling self conscious and lights on, oh yeah that too;)
- Enjoy the company of slim people and not resent them coz they are wearing nicer clothes
- Be a real diva.... :sign0151:
in 6 months time i hope to be on maintaining my ideal weight and happy with my body.
i would like others to take photos instead of me making excuses that i am best behind the lense :D
i want to go into clothes shop and pick clothes i like and to look in the mirror and feel good.
i want to stop putting on an act that i am the fat jolly friend and behave normal without putting myself down before others can do it first.
i generaly want to be fit and healthy and i also hope to have quit smoking by then!! ;)
Well I start exante 3rd of december but 6 months from that date

* I will be able to fit in the hundreds of pounds worth of size 16 clothes I have sat in wardrobe
* I will be in the overweight category and can look at TTC again.
* Will be a happier me again
* Will be able to shop in "normal" shops
* Will be able to buy a swimming costume, and not feel like a horrendous whale
*Have more energy for the Children I nanny for.
* Learn to love myself and life
* Not feel embarrased to go out in public
Just to add that in 6 mnts time l will walk in the summer heat and not sweat like a pig lol