In the zone


Full Member
Hi everyone,

my name's Cari, I'm 40 and I've decided it's time to lose weight once and for all! Never tried Cambridge before but I'm on day 25 and so far so good :) I've lost 15lbs already which I'm really pleased about. Been reading everyone's stories on Minimins for a week or so and finding it really motivating :)

My start weight was 13 stone 8 (good size 16) and want to get down to 10 stone and see how I feel there.

My weigh ins are on tuesdays so will keep you all posted. Thanks for reading :)

can someone please tell me how I go about adding goals, weigh in's etc. to my profile? When I try to do it on the edit signature thing it says I'm only allowed 350 characters and won't add it! thanks xx
All the best with your journey :) I did cd years ago x
Thanks Danii :D xx
Good luck on your journey to a new you. This diet deffo works and lots of support, inspiration and help on here if you need it.
Thanks Debziedoo! I am loving all the support and motivation on this forum. Every other diet I've tried has only lasted a week or two as the results just weren't there and I would lose any motivation I started with :sigh: I KNOW this works and I'm sooo excited about it! My clothes feel looser every day and that is such a great feeling! Yaaayyy go us!! :) We can do this!

Thanks emsiem :)
How's your first week going? When's your first weigh in? xx
Waaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Not having a good start to my day. First of all, weigh measly pound!! :cry:
Next, thought I'd call in to the health food shop for some milk thistle to support my liver (my daughter, who's doing a physiology degree, keeps telling me that being in ketosis stresses the liver:(). Was only in there 5 minutes, and when I came out I'd got a parking ticket!!!!:cry: Boo bloody hoo!! £35! Thats some expensive milk thistle.

So now I'm sitting snivelling into my apple and cinnamon porridge feeling very sorry for myself :cry:
Hi Cari

You were roughly the same weight as me when I started! My aim is to get to 10 stone - I have put 9.5 as target but I will be happy with 10 - and then I expect when I start maintaining to waver between 10 and 10 and a half. Thats the aim anyway.

You have made a great start - hope you are enjoying the feeling of weight loss and keep it up :)

As fr the signature - I go to User CP at the top of this page, then edit signature, and just add my stuff in there. I have never seen a note about a character limit - as you can see from my sig, I just keep on adding. :)
Hi Egbert,

My goal is to get to 10 stone too! And then will see how I feel when I get there :). This site has been a godsend, loads of support and motivation. It's easy to feel a bit of a social outcast when you're on this diet I think
Oops sorry it sent before i'd finished! You're doing amazingly well! Think I'll give it another go ( adding to my signature that is!) Thanks xxx
Hi Cari,
I'm on Day 1 but failed massively at LL 4 years ago cos everyone kept telling me it was bad for me and just to have a drink it won't hurt etc etc!
How do you cope with people trying to put you off without being rude and telling them to mind their own business??! :)
Hi katieboo,

Well done for starting. How's your first day going? I must say I've found this diet gets easier the longer I do it :) I've had a mixture of responses, some say 'well done, I couldn't do it' to others who say 'be careful, why don't you just eat less, etc etc'. I suppose I'm quite stubborn and if someone tries to put me off I just think 'I'll show you' ;)

At the end of the day it's your life and you deserve to be happy, so just focus on why you're doing it. I've tried to lose weight soooo many times before but given up within days. This time I feel so much more motivated because the results are much quicker and it spurs you on to stick with it :)

And remember 'nothing tastes as good as being slim feels' :):):)

Loads of luck hun. Keep in touch. Let me know how you're getting on xxx
Hi Cari,

Yes it's ok so far thanks!!

You see I'm the opposite and if someone tells me not to do something I very often just agree with them! Silly I know!

I know I have to visualise my goals and stick to them. I guess a bit of false bravado helps too - they do say if you smile you feel happier!

I do love that saying - I know there was a big hooha about it but it's true - when you have the results not just on the scales but in your clothes and how you feel - it's the best feeling in the world!

I'm impatient though so roll around Saturday for my first weigh-in!!! :)

How's your day going? xxx
Exactly! Even if the scales don't say what I want them to, my clothes are feeling looser every day which is good enough :)

Today's going well so far, had apple and cinnamon porridge for breakfast, which is a new discovery for me (didn't think I'd like it at all but it's lovely! And just had chicken breast with salad for lunch. Seem to do ss+ most days even tho I always intend to do ss :sigh:

Anyway, need to get myself down the bank but did day 1 of '30 day shred' on sunday and seriously think I've ruptured my quads!:eek: Sooo painful to get about esp. up and down stairs etc. Think I'll have to take it a bit easier next time I do it. I can definately see how it gets such good results for people tho.

How's your day so far? What packs have you tried? xx
Hey y'all! How you doodling?

Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far? I'm working nights, last one tonight thank god!

Had a weird few days. Feeling very sorry for myself, crying a lot, which really isn't me! I'm normally such an emotionless person! lol maybe it's hormones, lack of sleep, stressful work etc. Anyway, feeling much better today, esp. as scales said 12 stone and 3/4 lb today! Yippeee!! So close to getting into the 11's. Hoping for a good loss this week esp. as last week was only 1lb. :)

Hugs peeps. xx
Yaayyyy!!! 5lbs off this week!! :D:D I even got to wear my new size 12 jeans to my weigh-in this morning as they fitted perfectly. Were too tight a few days ago. I LOVE this diet!! :) Would never have believed 5 weeks ago that I would get this far, as I've never been very good at sticking at things before. It's because the results are so quick, I don't even want to cheat. I feel excited at the thought of getting up every morning to see how much I've lost!! Seems to be about half to 3/4 of a pound every day!!

Plus the sun is shining :) Just a shame I've got to go to work later :(

Going to have my apple and cinnamon porridge now. Yummm! :)

Feeling the love today. Hope everyone is good :)

Cari you are doing so well. great feeling isnt it when you can get into smaller clothes. This diet is fab....I love it . x
2lbs off this week. Bit bummed 'cos my scales were saying nearer 4!? oh well, at least it's something off. Oh! just had a thought. This week was actually only 6 days as I had to weigh in on wednesday last week so that makes it a bit better :);)

Work is really stressful at the moment and I've been feeling at lot more hungry than usual :( What's that all about? Whatever it is I don't like it!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Lots of love,

Cari xxx