Silver Member
I needed to find something to do that would focus me more on plan and gove me something to encourage me to try new things so started my SW project 
I have made a book of my fave recipes, syns, healthy extras and went through all my old mags cutting out recipes, new thkngs to try and inspiration bits which i habe stick onto paper and put in a folder of seethrough pockets so can keep looking at it for ideas
I made one as a gift for a friend starting SW too but you could make one as a raffle prize at group too?
Have you done something similar or something else to encourage tour journey? How has it helped you?
X teamnasher
I have made a book of my fave recipes, syns, healthy extras and went through all my old mags cutting out recipes, new thkngs to try and inspiration bits which i habe stick onto paper and put in a folder of seethrough pockets so can keep looking at it for ideas
I made one as a gift for a friend starting SW too but you could make one as a raffle prize at group too?
Have you done something similar or something else to encourage tour journey? How has it helped you?
X teamnasher