Is anybody out there in the same boat as me?

Tom Red

Hi everbody, I started lipotrim TFR on the 7/9/12 im 6'4 and weighed in at 24'10 and my bmi was 41.3. After the first week which i didn't find to bad i was down to 23'6. I'm into my second week now and finding it much harder, is this normal? I'm married with 3 children and work nights and when my wife is in work during the day i look after the girls so i'm switching from daytime to nightime every other couple of days. I take a sleeping tablet some days/night as i have trouble sleeping, will this affect the programe. I'm still getting the occasional headache and at times feel on top of the world with more energy and other times i am tired and a bit down. Can anyone help me with some feed back, Thanks Tom
Hi Tom, I have days where I could scream the house down lol, other people are finding it much easier, I do also have good days, but they are rarish for me.
My hubs swaps from nights to days to night etc, its a hard shift for your body to deal with, and must be even harder on LT.
Brilliant first week loss, really well done you. Some days we just need a moan, and a moan to people who understand what you are going through, so moan away ok x
Hi Bev, my god you are doing realy well, it wont be long before you are in your happy place! You should be so proud of yourself and are certanly an inspiration to others!
Not sure I am, if you could hear me on a daily basis shouting arhhhhh I want kebab, or I want bacon, around my house!
I fancy prawns myself! :break_diet:
It's tough, but you can do it. I don't work nights, so not sure how the shakes work with changing sleeping habits. I still get headaches, light headedness, occasional bouts of depression but try to stay strong. Talking on here helps

See my sig
<---- and those stats, and you'll see you're practically my twin brother lol
Hello and welcome
My fiancé is the same height as you but weighed a stone more than you and also works nights. He is finding it hard and have been sleeping a lot.

We are both on week three now. It is very hard. We can all do this we just got to keep strong !


When I first started lipotrim I was on nights but now am on days. Both shifts I find hard. !!
I found the start of week 2 a complete nightmare, I was livid, but it did improve. I have 3 boys so I can imagine how tired you are juggling childminding and working nights. Make sure you get as much rest as you can, on a plus side your energy levels will continue to rise as the weight drops off. Stick at it, you are nearly through the hardest part:)
Hi CP78 Thank you for your reply and well done on the weightloss,our starting points are nearly the same so its nice to get the info from you it's much appreciated! I hope i have as much success as you my friend, Thanks Tom
Hi ladyKate25 Thank you for the welcoming support. I think i'm going to find this forum very helpful. I wish you and your fiance the very best of luck in your quest! Be good and keep in touch, Thanks Tom
Hi shrinkingannie Thank you for the morale support it's certainly helping me push on in my quest for health and happiness. I will keep you all informed of my progress (please God) Look after them three Boys i'm sure its not easy for you either, All the best, Tom
I found the first week I was hungry all the time. The second week I was not so hungry but quite grouchy. Now I am used to it and pleased to be free from having any obsession with food. It is actually great to just put powder and water together and not waste time on food. I have just started a college course and I do sometimes wish I was eating food when I see others eating. But most of the time the food smells horrible. I suspect when I reintroduce food I will need to be careful and be healthy but I think I have got used to not eating and most of the time the food smells so rich and yucky. Anyone else found this?
Hi Moonagedaydream I would eat the smell of food now if i could! Mabey if i last as long as you things might change, i'll let you know!
Tom Red said:
Hi ladyKate25 Thank you for the welcoming support. I think i'm going to find this forum very helpful. I wish you and your fiance the very best of luck in your quest! Be good and keep in touch, Thanks Tom

Your welcome. Yeah it is a very good forum and everyone is friendly and supportive. I an glad I found it also! Thank you ;)
Hi everybody, I had my second weigh in at the chemists today and i have lost another 10lbs i'm so happy i wasn't expecting to lose so much the second week which was harder for me then the first but towards the end it started to get easier! It's getting easier to be around the house when food is being cooked and i even made dinner myself one day for the kids so all is good and getting better. The headaches are pretty much gone thank God and i'm starting to feel much more invigorated and i'm sleeping much better too. So onwards and downwards (weight wise) from here! Keep the faith everyone it's all good, Tom Red

Ps i would like to say how helpfull i have found this form and it gives me strenght and encouragement when i find it difficult!
Wow well done! Excellent 2nd WI!
Thank you YeYe, I hope all goes well for you to, keep in touch Tom Red
Hi Tom Red :)

Well done for your second weigh-in. ...and massive well done for your total weight loss so far! You're doing amazingly! :)

Oh, by the way, I literally just posted a challenge thread, if you'd like to join it? It's in the main Lipotrim Forum and it's called 'October CHALLENGE!'.
Well done Tom red, fantastic result for week 2. Glad it's getting easier too.