Is it counterproduvctive not to use your syns?

I've just started SW last week and I'm worrying if I have a chocolate bar or crisps as a syn I won't be able to stop so have cut them out completely. This means tho I'm finding it hard to spend my syns as in I don't want to jeopardise my weight loss.
Am I doing that by not synning?
Thanks in advance.
You're syns don't need to be used on crisps, choc etc, you could use them on mayo, oil, tomato sauces, stuffing, gravy all sorts of things, just try & think of other things you'd like to have with your meal instead.
I just don't know if I could control myself, for example I love love LOVE tomato sauce and at 1 syn ( I even bought the low salt sugar one incase it's unopened) a tablespoon I'd go through that no problem!
3 or 4 tablespoons is a decent amount of ketchp IMO but if you love it that much, use 15 syns worth if you want. It'll be better than not having any syns at all and feeling totally deprived.