Is it possible?

Ok - so in the past year, I have put on nearly eight stone. I'm now 5ft nothing and eighteen stone. This is very troubling. The plan is to start Exante on Saturday. I would really love to be a decent human being size by my thirtieth which is in 6 months.
I don't have a great deal of time to exercise, I tend to work between 10-15 hours a day - the upside being there is an amount of physicality to it, although obviously i'm finding this tricky at the mo, but I do know I need to start embracing it more - including the two twenty minute walks to and from work!
What I want to ask really - is, how much do people lose on total solution when they do this properly? Is it possible that I could aim to be in the 11 stone range by the end of next april?
Hiya how familiar dies this sound...

I've gained a good 4-5 stone this year myself

I previously lost 7 stone on cambridge diet (same thing but more expensive) I kept the weight off no prob.... Well gained about a stone n leveled. Beginning of this year had some horrendous things happen n gained loads of weight!

I've dealt with that now n ready to shift the weight. In debating tfr (exante) or slumming world... Obviously a lot slower!

You can definitely hit a stone per month and first week or 2 will be more. Obviously the closer you get to target the slower the losses.... I think you could be in the 11 stone bracket maybe the high end, or low end so defo go for it n don't look back

Good luck
Thanks Shell - I appreciate that! Similar thing, started with a few injuries, went from 11-15 in about four months, tried Cambridge, lost a stone, then some real icky disasters hit, put that one back on and added another three! Excellent work!
Now in the fascinating position of having to lose more weight than I intend to be left with! I know i won't hit my real target anywhere near april - but if I could be back within the 'looking like a human' and not a floating head on a marshmallow, then I would be overjoyed!
Well - if you go Exante and need a buddy, that would be cool - you can obviously handle this, you've done some amazing work before!!
Lol I was thinking the same re buddy... I'm really thinking to just start Monday n get on with it

I have tried many many restarts b just can't get that momentum again! I think it's will power though n I know I can do it just got to be stronger! I need to be alert n human for my 7 year old n hate the exhausted snappy tired bit in first few weeks n no longer have partner to help

But I do have a knee complaint back complaint and ankle complaint that would be helped with weight loss! (big question hanging over arthritis ATM pending more blood work) been told not to even exercise other than swimming and walking that's why I'm kinda edging toward vlcd again. Even if I do it to part way n get on slimming world... Errgh I don't know

Hopefully the penny will drop n il be joining you!

Have you started already?
I'm thinking of starting over the weekend - am eagerly awaiting delivery at the mo - although it seems a bit late in the day for it. Did you know that statistically the most successful resolutions are those started on or just before the weekend - to do with the weekend being the hardest part, and when you first begin you are your most motivated, therefore when you get to the weekend after, you already know that you can do it...i do however have the most disgusting lurgy (and have had all week)...
I was thinking a similar thing along the lines of exante for the bulk and retraining with slimming world towards the end, I suspect it is the most sensible thing to do somehow...
I know what you mean about that icky point at the start - it is really hard, and there is never a great time to face it is there, do you have any family/friends who might be able to support with the little one?It is really challenging knowing that it will get sooo much better, but also that the first bit is sooo difficult, and there really is no way around it! My big struggle, is that given minging circumstances I am now living in my mothers house, and bless her, she seems to be under the illusion that I'm wasting away (odd- she's all of a size 12 herslf) and fighting her on a daily basis is going to be hard at the beginning - I daresay she'll get used to it but I know how tough she can make it in the meantime!
Good luck with it lovely - and do let me know if you decide to go for it - buddies are always a good thing!!
So have you started? I'm going to start tomorrow :)

Driving back from Wales to England today so long old drive ahead of me but so looking forward to my home comforts :))

I've been reading mins for days getting thinsperation :-D I really don't want to tell anybody I'm on it at the moment though at least fit a few weeks n I'm over the worst

For next week I'm planning on resting up a lot n my little one will prob spend couple of nights at my parents as we have been away all week in I'm exhausted lol

Thinking to set myself an initial time frame ie 28 days 100 % then il know if I can commit to longer (ideally want to give myself 4 months to focus on me! Weight for sure plus quote a few other things )

So if you still fancy a buddy, let's get skinny :)
I'm in - it just hasn't happened over the weekend - it was a n ice plan, but it just didn't work. So tomorrow it is!!
you can do it, as long as you get thru that first week you will be fyn good luck thru day 1
Thanks sliemox

Ok pearlygirl! 100 % for 28 days as of tomorrow!! Which plan level thingy are you doing?

3 packs per day?? That's what I'm gona do I've got a few weeks worth at home so good to go
Cheers Sliemox - have a suspicion I'll need it!
But, I am in - prep done, ready to face it - mostly cos I'm sick of trying to face myself - there is only so long that you can pretend to be a floating head for!
28 days is a good starting plan - I think that once i've got that far, it'll seem silly to back out!
Only thing I'm a bit worried about today is water, haven't set that part up yet, not sure how well it will work!
Ok - let's go, good luck, will check back in after work tonight and see how you're getting on! x
So minor moment of misery. It tastes so yuk. And I'm hungry and cold and tired and miserable. And food is the only thing I get to look forward to! How long before that changes?!
Ok - that's out of my system now - back to work!
Ok its freezing! Hot food would be comforting as would 5 mins without needing the loo! :-(

Tired n grumpy :-/

But fat n on route to skinnyville so il quit moaning

How are you getting on on day 2?