Cambridge Diet Counsellor
This is an extract from an email that I sent out to my clients yesterday. It has had such an amazing impact that I thought it maybe worth sharing with you guys...
So what are you gonna do this year that is going to make 2007 count for you? I know that some of you already have plans and goals that you want to achieve and you know that you are going to do just that - achieve them! This year, for me, is all about "getting things done" not putting them off so that they then become critical but getting them done in enough time and space so that I can enjoy the things I want to. Number 1 on that list is most certainly my health - I had a very unhealthy 2006 for a number of reasons and am making that my priority for this year.
I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions as I think you can change and do anything you want whenever you want to - New Year, for me, is more about celebrating the fact that I have another year under my belt!
Yet, today is 2nd January and already I've had quite a few people make appointments for hypnosis to either give up smoking or lose weight!! On 30th December ... I had none!!
Now, obviously, I'm not complaining about that...however, I have asked each of them "why is now the right time?" and mainly their answers have been "because my partner doesn't like it" "I want to save some money" "I can't do it any other way". However, a few people have also said stuff along the lines of "I want this year to be the one where I get my life back"!!
There are no guarantees as to who is really going to go on and claim their life back...yet, you can see that the stronger the motivation the more likely the staying power! Many of you will have met each other throughout your journeys and you will have shared your highs and lows. Those that are well on their way to achieving their long term goals will have told you that, for them, its been about improving the quality of their lives and not necessarily particular events such as holidays, etc. However, if the time is right for you then seize the opportunity to live the life that YOU want and do the things that YOU want to do.
Do the things that you know will make you FEEl great on New Years Eve 2007 because you, like everyone else, deserves to feel great!
So what are you gonna do this year that is going to make 2007 count for you? I know that some of you already have plans and goals that you want to achieve and you know that you are going to do just that - achieve them! This year, for me, is all about "getting things done" not putting them off so that they then become critical but getting them done in enough time and space so that I can enjoy the things I want to. Number 1 on that list is most certainly my health - I had a very unhealthy 2006 for a number of reasons and am making that my priority for this year.
I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions as I think you can change and do anything you want whenever you want to - New Year, for me, is more about celebrating the fact that I have another year under my belt!
Now, obviously, I'm not complaining about that...however, I have asked each of them "why is now the right time?" and mainly their answers have been "because my partner doesn't like it" "I want to save some money" "I can't do it any other way". However, a few people have also said stuff along the lines of "I want this year to be the one where I get my life back"!!
There are no guarantees as to who is really going to go on and claim their life back...yet, you can see that the stronger the motivation the more likely the staying power! Many of you will have met each other throughout your journeys and you will have shared your highs and lows. Those that are well on their way to achieving their long term goals will have told you that, for them, its been about improving the quality of their lives and not necessarily particular events such as holidays, etc. However, if the time is right for you then seize the opportunity to live the life that YOU want and do the things that YOU want to do.
Do the things that you know will make you FEEl great on New Years Eve 2007 because you, like everyone else, deserves to feel great!