Italian meal out tonight help with choices

Frankly - it's not the best choice of restaurant. I recently refused an Italian restaurant for lunch for that reason. Aside from a steak and undressed salad, in my QUICK glance I saw nothing appropriate. Paying money to leave half the plateful isn't my favourite thing when I go out. Nor is coming out of ketosis and potentially losing a week's loss.

Up to you though...
I had to go as it was a friends birthday and its our local italian, I just went for the pan fried mushrooms and got them served without the butter, and got a chicken breast with wine and garlic and veg :)

Drank loads of water and walked home :)
Sensible choices and good damage control in a situation you were tied to...lets face it we are all gonna be in that position and its gonna be a case of eating the nearest to dukan you can..i think you did very well...not a breadstick or tiramasu in sight!! xx