You guys all sound so supportive I can't help myself actually posting something, having been lurking for about an hour =P. I have literally just been prescribed Xenical this morning and am currently sitting here wondering whether I'll be able to go to University a completely new person. Which is why I'm starting this diary actually, so that in my down moments I can scrowl back up and find that statement. New person for University. But yeah I suppose I should tell you a bit about me right?
My name's Beth, I'm 17, from Brighton and have been battling with my weight since I was about 9 years old -raises sword to swing at fat on her thighs-. I've been on every diet from Weight Watchers to Slimming World but a sweat aversion (aka laziness) has caused me to have a little issue with exercise, but I will be trying to get over that... I promise I will =P
I really have a problem with my food intake, I recently made a food diary and to read it you'd think I was a small army. (Entire packet of angel slices in one day!?) But all joking aside I really know I've got an issue in my head as well as my stomach. A reliance on sugar and caffeine often leads me to binge... Bad. Then post binge I just go "Oh well I'm always going to be this size, might as well eat myself into an early grave because at least I'll be able to get a specially made coffin." So I really need to lock my cupboards to avoid those binges I feel. I'm probably more worried about the whole death thing because my Grandma died of being too large very young meaning I am pre-disposed to having weight issues which can lead to serious health concerns.
Currently a student at a Sixth Form my main issue seems to lie with what I eat for lunch, as my breakfast and my dinner are actually quite healthy (parents are on weight watchers which helps). I just tend to go to the shops during my free period and pretty much buy anything that's either on special offer or sounds like it'll give me a rush of energy enough to get through the day. So packed lunches here I come I feel - no self control at the moment so shan't even bother to put myself in the way of temptation because I know I won't resist it.
With regards to drinking I don't that much, my main vice is diet soft drinks - am actually an addict to the caffeine I think so I really need to ween myself off a bit. At the moment I down a minimum of 2 litres of diet coke a day. Not good, as I do actually want a stomach lining in later life. Might just come in handy!
So yeah that's me. I'm feeling really positive at the moment which I hope will stay with my through the course of my time on these little blue pills. I just need the support to know I'm not doing this on my own as most of my friends are skinny people who can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound. All drama people we spend a lot of time on stage (therefore under the scrutiny of others) and I always feel like the shuffling elephant in the middle so... NO MORE! I will finally beat this bulge and when I do I might even get cast as something other than the mother or the sister for once! (romantic lead here I come =P)
Really pleased to have found this place!
My name's Beth, I'm 17, from Brighton and have been battling with my weight since I was about 9 years old -raises sword to swing at fat on her thighs-. I've been on every diet from Weight Watchers to Slimming World but a sweat aversion (aka laziness) has caused me to have a little issue with exercise, but I will be trying to get over that... I promise I will =P
I really have a problem with my food intake, I recently made a food diary and to read it you'd think I was a small army. (Entire packet of angel slices in one day!?) But all joking aside I really know I've got an issue in my head as well as my stomach. A reliance on sugar and caffeine often leads me to binge... Bad. Then post binge I just go "Oh well I'm always going to be this size, might as well eat myself into an early grave because at least I'll be able to get a specially made coffin." So I really need to lock my cupboards to avoid those binges I feel. I'm probably more worried about the whole death thing because my Grandma died of being too large very young meaning I am pre-disposed to having weight issues which can lead to serious health concerns.
Currently a student at a Sixth Form my main issue seems to lie with what I eat for lunch, as my breakfast and my dinner are actually quite healthy (parents are on weight watchers which helps). I just tend to go to the shops during my free period and pretty much buy anything that's either on special offer or sounds like it'll give me a rush of energy enough to get through the day. So packed lunches here I come I feel - no self control at the moment so shan't even bother to put myself in the way of temptation because I know I won't resist it.
With regards to drinking I don't that much, my main vice is diet soft drinks - am actually an addict to the caffeine I think so I really need to ween myself off a bit. At the moment I down a minimum of 2 litres of diet coke a day. Not good, as I do actually want a stomach lining in later life. Might just come in handy!
So yeah that's me. I'm feeling really positive at the moment which I hope will stay with my through the course of my time on these little blue pills. I just need the support to know I'm not doing this on my own as most of my friends are skinny people who can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound. All drama people we spend a lot of time on stage (therefore under the scrutiny of others) and I always feel like the shuffling elephant in the middle so... NO MORE! I will finally beat this bulge and when I do I might even get cast as something other than the mother or the sister for once! (romantic lead here I come =P)
Really pleased to have found this place!
( aka the girl who will no more be a shuffling elephant )
( aka the girl who will no more be a shuffling elephant )
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