Joined slimming World in Feb 2012

I Joined slimming world in Feb 2012 after a rocky start lost just under a stone. I have now managed to put this back on and I am quarter of pound heavier then when I joined am going to weigh in each week with the thought I will start again tomorrow famous last words eh.Looked at mini mins before for syn values and decided to join forum. Very disheartened but hoping that tomorrow will come and will click back into place
Been back on the plan for just over a week now .I know should not do it but I weighed myself this morning said I would just weigh my self once a week at slimming world group this morning I had lost three and a half pounds so was feeling really pleased I went in the bathroom a hour a go and got on scales again and was back up to same weight as last week. How can this happen I know you can change in day but nearly four pound seems a lot.Wish I had never got on now :(
women especially can have weight fluctuations throughout the day with many things affecting it such as your hormone cycle and even gravity all I can say is don't beat yourself up over it but you might find it easier to just stick to your once a week weigh in.

A gym instructor once said to me often its easier for women to set dress size goals rather than weight goals due to the natural fluctuations that can occur so whilst I'm going to start following a "weight loss" plan for me my main goal is to buy clothes in normal shops not in the plus size ranges but just a normal clothes shop