Juicing fruit and vet - zero points?


New Member
I did the WW programme 2 years ago and lost 1.5 stones. Gradually my weight has started to creep up, especially these last few weeks and although I'm only a couple of pounds over my target I'm struggling to get it back down. Basically, I have started to juice fruit and veg but now I'm not so sure they would still count as zero PP's. Can anyone confirm this? I have the WW shop book and was disappointed to read that freshly squeezed orange juice has 2PP. I've been squeezing 2 fresh oranges every morning for years and assumed it was 0 PP's.

The fruits I mostly juice are apples, pears, pineapple. I juice carrots, parsnips, kale, peppers. I sometimes make a smoothie with low fat yogurt, a banana and a handful of strawberries, raspberries etc and I juice a pear to water it down a bit. Again, I assumed it would just be the yoghurt which would have the PP's but not sure. I know a parsnip has PP's.

Can anyone advise me please? :confused: