Just made my first gallette


Silver Member
Received the book on Monday and managed to find oat bran yesterday so just had a gallette with turkey rashers for brekkie. Didnt hold out much hope for it but it was lovely.

Had my first cruise day yesterday so on PP again today.

6lb off so far
Excellent jeanette... I nearly cried after my first galette... so horrrible did I find it! I'd made it too thick, and it was soggy in the middle (and half raw!)... My other half took pity on me, made me another, and I've not looked back since...

I prefer muffins to galettes now, but even when not dieting, never stop eating them for breakfast. Gorgeous!
"liked"... I intend staying with the oatbran long after Dukan... not you?
Mine keeps sticking to the pan n getting ruined
only managed to make one with sucess!
What am i doing wrong? Im using 1.5 spoon ob, 1.5 spoon formaige fraise,
1 egg white. Even oiled the pancake maker!
We buy 3 x 12 each weekend from the farm when we're in the country (my other half does the diet too...). This weekend, having stayed in the city, is a pain as I'm conscious that we're shorter of eggs! I keep asking the other half to buy some, and he comes back with 6... errrr...

If it's of any reassurance to you guys - I've been doing this diet on and off for 3 years, recently had a cholesterol test, and have LOADS of good HDL cholesterol, fairly high but in the norms bad LDL cholesterol, giving a high "total"... but GP says that's normal given all the HDL I have!

Someone more medical than me might understand all that - cheryl?!
My pancake didnt burn, but i forgot to add and sweetner to it so tasted quite bland! lolz try again tomorow!

Welll its my third day and so far its been ok.. first day back at work after being off sick for a week and first day at work with the diet!
If it's of any reassurance to you guys - I've been doing this diet on and off for 3 years, recently had a cholesterol test, and have LOADS of good HDL cholesterol, fairly high but in the norms bad LDL cholesterol, giving a high "total"... but GP says that's normal given all the HDL I have!

Someone more medical than me might understand all that - cheryl?!

Its similar to fat, you get good and bad. If you add one to the other your total reading can be high but if you look at them seperately you could have a "good/normal" range.
Thanks Cheryl... unfortunately press articles in the UK seem to always quote "total" cholesterol normal readings, hence making mine look high!
"We" dont seperate them here. You either have high, normal, or good. Its like fat. The dont look into how much good fat your body has
sounds daft to me! (cos the "good" helps counter the bad!! from what I've been reading on internet IN ENGLISH!!). Mind you, getting regular blood tests done in England doesn't seem par for any course either...
yes of course, and I had to pay for my testing, but when I told my Dad my Total cholesterol reading, he told me "too high" quoting English Total norms... but if people aren't aware of good vs. bad, Total is a daft norm to give people!!
From the way i have learnt about it the bad will out weigh the good due to the affects of it unless the numbers are hugely different. For instance if the good is only little but the bad is big and together this means you are high. But if the good is high and the bad is low and you are still showing as high then this is ok. Most british wont understand it
Ok gotcha! thanks! (Just that it's a sensitive subject, with people criticising the egg consumption on the Dukan diet, so have an incomprehensible to many cholesterol result!)