Just started

Ivanna Beslimma

New Member
Hi Everyone,
I started the Cambridge 800 diet last Tuesday. Although I haven't been weighed yet I am very optimistic because I can now feel bones! They are still well padded but they're gradually coming to the fore! I feel good on it - my skin feels softer, I am more alert and I don't feel hungry as long as I am busy.
Hi, a started Cambridge diet 2 weeks ago. How are you finding it?
I am the same as you, I don't feel hungry as long as I am busy
Welcome to the forum hope it all goes very well for you ;)
Hello, I'm looking to restart the cambridge diet. I have failed a few time, but it's really getting out of control now.

Any tips on how to keep focused or build my will power?!


Hi Naima,
Of course you fail. Why? Because your body needs energy. You cannot stay long without fuel. Not possible. Even a car cannot run on an empty tank. Why do you expect it from your body? I am eating a lot of fruit and try to stay on low fat. Works a lot better than starvation. I have learned it on a vacation weight loss camp. It changed my life. I wish I could tell everyone about it.