ive had a really good day today!

found out ive got an interview to get onto a fitness instructor course in september, its not until august but atleast i have something to focus on & i can see the light at the end of the retail tunnel! stuck to points aswell & made it to the gym

made a tikka masala curry today because i had time (day off) using one of the schwartz seasoning packs (1pt) it doesnt really taste like tikka masala to be fair but i didnt follow the packet instructions which said use milk & stuff so thats probably why! 5 portions though so guess what im going to be eating for the next couple of days!?
Food diary day 17 (wednesday 20/05/2009)
weight watchers bread x3 (1.5)
extra light babybel (1) (cheese & tomato toastie yumyumyum)
actimel 0.1%/milk/flora (1)
bran flakes (1.5)
weight watchers bagel (2)
portion of homemade curry (1)
cottage cheese (1)
pink & white (0.5)
morrisons eat smart iced dessert 25g (0.5)
honey nut cornflakes (1)
rainbow drops (1) (had a mega sweet tooth this afternoon!)
portion of curry (1)
weight watchers naan (1.5)
cottage cheese (1)
options hot choc (0.5)
50g morrisons eat smart iced vanilla dessert (1) w/ sugar free jelly yum!
cheerios (1)
Total for day =
another one of my four targets completed. today i went for the 5k & 20mins on the cross trainer. just over 500kcals burnt & my feet arnt too sore today! got absolutely soaked on the way home though on my bike, it just will not stop raining

off for a bath now, then gonna snuggle up in bed (clean sheets

) & watch the apprentice!