ketosis 'sticks'


Full Member
Anyone know what shade of pink is the ideal when using these sticks. I didn't bother buying any but found some in the cupboard today and gave them a try. Trouble is they were 'out of date' about 6 months ago and not sure if they are still any good? If anyone knows what they are ideally meant to read (ie which shade of pink) it would be appreciated. Thanks Julia x
You are aiming for a pale pink colour. If it is dark (like in the morning when you test) then it shows that you are slightly dehydrated. TBH you do not need to keep doing these unless it helps keep you on the straight and narrow.
If you want to buy them then go to Boots, however some of their staff are a bit mardy about selling them to people who are dieting.
Thanks for the answers. I don't think I would go out of my way to buy the 'sticks' in the future - I was just curious to see the results. From the start I have never had that 'dodgy' taste in the mouth that people talk about and, other than feeling a bit lethargic, haven't really shown any symptoms of ketosis. Least I know for sure I am definitely in ketosis! Thanks all Julia x
I bought these 'sticks' ages ago, when I was doing the Atkins I think. At the time I had to ask for them as they are kept behind the counter. As someone points out on here the pharmacist was a bit 'funny' with me... wanting to know what I wanted them for. In the end he handed them over no problem though. Think they cost about a fiver. Julia XX
I got mine from boots £5.15 for 50 sticks....and no questions asked what so ever. I must have been lucky. x x