Killer Carbs - the bad carbs that is..


Full Member
Hi all,
So whilst lying in bed last night I got to thinking about all the years I've been over weight, all the diets I've tried (and failed at), my trigger foods etc.

The lightbulb moment then hit me like a ton of bricks. Although I've thought this way before whilst low carbing a number of years back the realization last night was something much stronger. I have now accepted that I WILL NEVER eat bad carbs again. By bad carbs, I mean refined processed rubbish. Cakes, biscuits, sweets, white bread, white pasta, crisps, pizza and the like. I will, when my weight stabilizes eat only 70% or above dark choc and hopefully only small amounts at that as I do love the stuff..

I have realised through my dieting hell over the last 20 years that I have been a carb addict and as a result have obviously become super sensitive to them.

People could never understand me saying before that if I had even one let's say slice of white bread, one biscuit, one cake that I literally would not be able to stop and it would turn into an entire binge. I used to binge on porridge above all things. Carbs except those in the lovely veg we eat on the Dukan plan (I'm still on cruise and will be till July) are now a distant memory thank God. When I look back on how I felt eating them (at the time, comfort) afterwards (bloated and ill) I'm sooooo glad I decided to give this plan a go. I have no more carb hangovers, no carb cravings to the point where I would jump through fire to get them, no brain fog, no aching stomach and limbs from carb binges, no depressive thoughts after said carb binge "why can't I stick to this diet, what's wrong with me"..the list goes on.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that for the first time in so long, I'm thinking clearly, I have realised there is NOTHING wrong with me mentally, I was simply just addicted to bad, processed carbs. Playing around with weight watchers and other such diets over the last number of years has thought me a valuable lesson - I am one of those people who just can't have "a little bit of everything" as the little bit of everything makes me crave more and more and then I spiral out of control.

Just felt the need to put this down and hope by reading it, it may help someone else out there who was or is constantly thinking and wondering why they can't stick to other diets or eating plans.

Long live Dukan is what I say. It's 100% the best eating plan for me and one I intend to stick to for the rest of my life.

Thanks for reading if you are xx
I agree with you Sara, If you look at most confectionary food, cakes, biscuits and the like, sugar (carbs), fat and salt is mostly what they're made from.
I hope that one day I can say 'I will never eat a cream cake again'. Have you seen the yumyum things in ASDA with the cream and the icing? They are my absolute faves. They come in a 2 pack but the second one never sees the next day.

I hope that a few weeks into this, I will have lost all desire for anything like it. Not been to bad today. I've been working in the bakery in ASDA all day so the last thing I want to see is any baked good!!

Thank you for your thoughts, it has made me think.
Madison love that post, I agree will never go back to bad carbs.....the devils food I feel as if this diet is not only of the body but the mind....deeeeeep....but true x
Thank you Madison! I have also been amazed at the way I DON'T feel since I've been on Dukan (about a month). I don't feel like stuffing myself until I'm literally sick anymore. I hope to not do that to myself again, that sort of self abuse is something I could do without. Quitting carbs has been very much like quitting smoking...I feel occasional cravings, however I do what I have to do to get through them, since I know what will happen if I have "just a little". There's no stopping myself, I'm like a shark in a feeding frenzy..eewww.
dynaMOna said:
Thank you Madison! I have also been amazed at the way I DON'T feel since I've been on Dukan (about a month). I don't feel like stuffing myself until I'm literally sick anymore. I hope to not do that to myself again, that sort of self abuse is something I could do without. Quitting carbs has been very much like quitting smoking...I feel occasional cravings, however I do what I have to do to get through them, since I know what will happen if I have "just a little". There's no stopping myself, I'm like a shark in a feeding frenzy..eewww.

Dynamona, that's exactly how Ive felt doing Dukan, I thought Id be starving all the time and feeling like I would die! But Ive already totally lost my appetite and am no longer a slave to my hunger!! Ha ha! Ive begun to realise so many of my binges/previous diet failures have been little to do with real hunger!
Madison I am so totally with you on the carb binge thing.
I cook a pizza and eat the whole thing, not half. I open a pack of sharing crisps that could maybe last 6 sittings and eat the lot, the same with packets of biscuits, bowls of pasta (make extra for the next days dinner/lunch- gone within the hour). I love(d) them and although I'm only on day 16, find that I'm doing just fine without.
Thing is- I started this diet because I'm going on holiday next week. All inclusive and the plan always was to just forget the diet completely on holiday and eat whatever I like but the closer I get to it the more nervous I am that I won't want to eat the stuff.
Can you imagine- thats my problem!? Worrying about not eating my moneys worth! I think that I won't actually fancy the pasta dish but choose it because pasta is my favourite and "I'm on holiday". To be honest its a nice problem to have!!!
So long killer carbs!!!
Hi Kimberley,
I can really identify with you on the pizza and crisp thing. I used to eat a largeish pizza then half hour later be hungry again, eat more carbs and on and on.. I'm now on the Dukan plan 10 weeks and loving the fact that I no longer want or binge on carbs of any sort. IMO they are highly addictive. As I said in my first post, porridge wasn't even safe around me lol. I love how I feel now, not only physically, comfortable after I eat, clothes fitting better, sleeping better, no insatiable carb cravings and most of all for me, my head is completely clear of the guilt/shame/feelings of being a failure after a massive carb binge. I really never want to go back to those days. I hear what you're saying about the all inclusive holiday and wanting to get your money's worth. All I'll say is that I used to be of the mentality - when on holidays I'd have what I wanted and as much of it as I liked. As a result I'd come home at least with a 7 lb gain. Upon seeing the results on the scales, I would either knuckle down straight back into whatever diet I was following before the holiday or completely stay off the rails and continue on the binge for another week or 2 or 3. Then of course loads more weight to try and shift. I go on holidays the end of this month and I can honestly say that there's no way I will be deviating from my plan. I want to come home knowing that I've ate well, ate plenty, never felt deprived and happy to be the same weight if not a pound down since before I left. This obviously will be a first for me and to be honest with you I'm really looking forward to it. If you feel like you really want your pasta dish and it's really really getting to you then maybe have it - but I'd advise you to do so on the last night. If you have it earlier on in the holiday and if you're anything like me you could just end up saying "ah, I've had one stray off plan, sod it" and continue on and spiral out of control. Anyhow, long winded response to you but have a super holiday and I'm sure there'll be loads of fabulous Dukan friendly food on offer. You may just surprise yourself when you get there and not even be interested in the carby food. Enjoy x
Hear hear Madison - agree 100% about the carbs - lovin dukan and the freedom of carb addiction!!! Best feeling ever!!!!
Hi Trudyc,
Can I just say "massive well done to you on your weight loss", such an inspiration. My God, well done to you :)
Thanks so much Madison! x