Kofta curry (from the new mag) - problems??


Gold Member
Has anyone made this yet?
I made it last week and was a bit reluctant to add the yogurt and then cook for 20 mins. Anyway, I added the yoghurt and to my (non) suprise the whole thing curdled! (the yoghurt wasn't off!!)

So, I had to strain the yukky bits off the sauce and have a smooth sauce to which I added an extra tin of tomatoes.

My point...... (I do have one)
If you make this, I'd make the sauce, add the meatballs to cook and then stir the yoghurt in at the end. It is a lovely curry but I've never come across a recipe where yoghurt is added during the cooking, it's normally warmed through at the end.

Has anyone else made this and had this problem?
The heat has to be very low otherwise the yougurt will curdle. To be honest I only use yougurt in the Karahi curry.
The heat was low, the lowest setting on the ring as I was so worried!
Oh well, I'll make this again as it was so nice but wasn't impressed with the wasted sauce!!
Have cooked this about 5 times now (become a bit of a favourite at the weekends!) and never had a problem with the yogurt. Have done as recipie suggested and stirred into the remaining stock and cooked for further 25 mins. I put it on quite a high heat as I find it tastes much better if the sauce boils into a kind of thick gravy. I use the tesco healthy living low fat yogurt, prob does'nt make a difference but you never know.:)
I have cooked with yoghurt and find it doesnt seperate. I just take it out of the fridge a couple of hours before cooking, so it isn't really cold and add it into the dish slowly stir continously while adding it. Making sure I haven't got the pan on a really high heat.
I use yoghurt in my curries all the time and like BritMum said above, only find it splits if added straight from the fridge. If you leave it to warm up to room temperature first it should be fine.
I usually add a spoonful of ww creme fraiche to curries. It can be cooked & unlike most of the other makes the syns are minimal 1/2 syn per tbsp!
another little trick you can do if you have forgotten to take the yoghurt out of the fridge a few hours before. Is ladle some of the juice/gravy off of whatever you have made and stir it into the yoghurt you are about to add to the recipe. It will bring the yoghurt up to a similar temperature, so then you can stir it in without it curdling.

Of course remembering not to have it on too high a heat.
Thanks for all the advice ladies :)
I made the chicken tikka masala last night and this has fromage frais in it which I took out of the fridge in good time. It didn't split.
I like your tip Britmum, great idea if I don't remember to take it out in time!!