Lactose intolerannt


Full Member
Can someone who is intolerant to lactose go on this diet?
I would imagine so, they would have to make their own yoghurt possibly but because the diets about eating fresh cooked foods then they would be able to follow the plan avoiding the dairy
I wanted to avoid lactose for a week to see if that will help my ibs (really suffering at the moment) but I don't know if I'll be able to follow the diet without dairy. Do you think I could sub for soya yogurt?
I think you probably could do Dukan if serious, but it will be tricky and take longer. But what's a week or two when it's your health on the line?! The dairy stuff is good for filling up and giving satisfaction quickly. If you can't do dairy, will need to fill gaps in other ways.
Are you sure IBS is due to lactose intolerance? Maybe the daily oatbran will help settle things down?
I think soya substitute is ok on pv days, but wouldn't like to say ok for pp. But if that's the only way you can do it, then why not try for a few weeks and see?
Supertonic, im not sure if it is the lactose but I was watching the food hospital and they recommended the fodmap diet for ibs sufferers. I might try a week and see what happens. Do u think I should cut the oat bran?
IIRC soya yogurt is allowed as a tolerated item as 1 per day, they dont tend to be available as fat free/super low fat.

But you dont have to eat dairy on the diet, and its something that stalls some people.
Jaqys, i know we dont have to but i thimk it is pretty difficult to diet without it. I will try.
Thanks for the info