LADIES - Water retention/Period weight gain trends?


Silver Member
Hi Ladies, (and gentlemen if your being nosey!)

Has anyone ever found a trend in regards to how much water they retain, how much weight they gain, how long it lasts for when they have their periods?

Just thought it would be interesting to see how everyone's patterns vary, you never know we may all be more similar that you think!! :)

I've not had a period on a 100% SW week yet, so cant comment on how it effected me! But it would be useful to know. I'm due next week and have already gained 0.5lbs - could this be to do with periods or is it to early? hmmmm.....
I always gain before my period, anything between 1lb and 2lb, I never know its coming as I'm on the injection, I weigh on a Tuesday and when I've had the gains due to period I usually have my period at the weekend... I had an unexpected gain this week, which is either due to painkillers (had a horrible cold) or time of the month... I'll have to wait until at least tomorrow to find out if I have a visitor lol.

after my period (they don't last long, again because of the injection) the weight is off by the following Tuesday
I track my period on an app on my phone called 'Period Tracker' and its amazingly precise! Its been pretty much spot on for the last year give or take a couple of days! It even tells me when i'm ovulating.. not that i'm planning on getting pregnant or anything! haha.. Mine is due on Sunday. And I have been losing every day until Monday! this week i havn't lost anything.. instead i've gained that pesky 0.5lbs. I weigh everyday, so it'll be interesting to see when that comes off and if it was actually to do with my period.

I reckon the water gets retained for about 5 days prior to your period starting and is gone within 2 days of it finishing!
I definitely don't get the results I hope for in the week prior to it, but the week after has so far been a joyous affair with more than 3lbs off. I was 2 weeks overdue this month but it came today, hopefully next WI will be a biggie :)
Yeah i feel bloated and heavy/water retention around a week before and cant stop eating, everyone must gain a few lbs on there monthly times.
I don't actually log when my period is and how it affects the Weigh-ins but i usually get so bloated and don't lose as much but sometimes it can happen the wee before rather than the actual week
Gah! False start 3 days ago... Feel absolutely wretched now nearly 3 weeks overdue (not pregnant btw - if only!)

anyone have any tips to get their period started?
Thanks for the tips MissPeriPeri! I'll try the strong coffee out first- cant think of how basil tea would taste? :D