After reading nearly all the inspirational diarys / thoughts / advice on this fab website I have decided to start a diary of my own. I think that this will keep me focused and on plan.
Sorry if I go off ranting and raving....
Where do I start....well I am at the heaviest that I have been EVER. I was 17stone at the start of March and am now about 16st 6lbs. Between March and June I got down to 15st 8lbs but now a few weeks on and I am back up. Reasons include - had surgery in March (TAH) and was off my food and feet for 12 weeks. In May I started on chemo and finding it hard (at times). I have a good few more weeks left on chemo - March 2011. I am finding the bloating, steroids and all the pills that I am having is hard on the body and my energy levels are practically nil. But I am determined to lose the weight. My doc told me to take it easy but I want to do this SLOWLY if needs be. Cause of the depleted energy levels I find myself reaching for the sugary snacks and choccie bars (even though choccie does not agree with me) plus the fact that I am on my own (hubby at work) during the day, watching tv and generally doing nothing. So I guess boredom is my trigger for eating....
Now that wasn't too hard to admit was it? 
So today I've decided that I am going to try and get some exercise in everyday....I will push myself but not to the extreme. I have a Wii which I think I should aim to do at least 20mins on and then I need to dust off the cross-trainer (have been doing this dusting off for weeks now). And I don't know why I haven't done it....I want toned up shoulders and back. Am off on hols in 6 weeks and want to be down at least 1 dress size (if possible). I am off work too now and would love to go back to work smaller than when I finished up. It's always something that I have promised myself....but always seem to fail on. Why oh why can't I do something for me - I self sabotage myself all the time. If I lose weight then I go and treat myself with something nice to eat - vicious circle with food. So it STOPS here....
This probably sounds like a whole lot of nonsence but getting it out there will help me I think and get me on the road to the weight that I want to won't be easy I know on the steroids and stuff but I so want to do it. I want to be able to wear nice clothes for Christmas and want to feel comfortable in my own skin (IFKWIM).
Where do I start....well I am at the heaviest that I have been EVER. I was 17stone at the start of March and am now about 16st 6lbs. Between March and June I got down to 15st 8lbs but now a few weeks on and I am back up. Reasons include - had surgery in March (TAH) and was off my food and feet for 12 weeks. In May I started on chemo and finding it hard (at times). I have a good few more weeks left on chemo - March 2011. I am finding the bloating, steroids and all the pills that I am having is hard on the body and my energy levels are practically nil. But I am determined to lose the weight. My doc told me to take it easy but I want to do this SLOWLY if needs be. Cause of the depleted energy levels I find myself reaching for the sugary snacks and choccie bars (even though choccie does not agree with me) plus the fact that I am on my own (hubby at work) during the day, watching tv and generally doing nothing. So I guess boredom is my trigger for eating....
So today I've decided that I am going to try and get some exercise in everyday....I will push myself but not to the extreme. I have a Wii which I think I should aim to do at least 20mins on and then I need to dust off the cross-trainer (have been doing this dusting off for weeks now). And I don't know why I haven't done it....I want toned up shoulders and back. Am off on hols in 6 weeks and want to be down at least 1 dress size (if possible). I am off work too now and would love to go back to work smaller than when I finished up. It's always something that I have promised myself....but always seem to fail on. Why oh why can't I do something for me - I self sabotage myself all the time. If I lose weight then I go and treat myself with something nice to eat - vicious circle with food. So it STOPS here....
This probably sounds like a whole lot of nonsence but getting it out there will help me I think and get me on the road to the weight that I want to won't be easy I know on the steroids and stuff but I so want to do it. I want to be able to wear nice clothes for Christmas and want to feel comfortable in my own skin (IFKWIM).