Hi everyone 
I started weight watchers online last week, and i'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Last week I went over my points a little (mostly due to a few too many vodkas) but I still managed a great -4.5lbs
Last night I began week 2 with a shop at Asda, armed with my phone with the WW app I worked out the points for everything before I put it in the basket. (I got a few tuts and looked a lot like a teenager addicted to my phone but hey lol)
A few things to note - Asda currently have the fresh WW meals for £1.50 - bargain! I bought a hunters chicken to try
DINE rices are 11ppts and are 2 for £1.50, and I got myself some american style waffles which are 2 for 5ppts. Last week I was eating bagels but by the time i'd put jam and butter on the were 9ppts!
So a lower point breakfast was needed! I looked at crumpets as the WW website says their only 2ppts each, but I worked out 2 were 6 points in Asda last night
by the time i've put butter on, they'd be 7 and i'm eating my points up again.
Yesterdays food went like this -
Breakfast -
Missed, my lie in, my weekend started yesterday =D (I work shifts)
Lunch -
McDonald's Chicken Mayo 9ppts
Snack -
Costa Express Mocha *** 4ppts
Tea -
145g King prawns 3ppts
Amoy chilli noodles 7ppts
Sharwoods Kung Po sauce 7ppts
Exercise -
60 minutes mountain biking which my app tells me is 10ppts! Woo!
Used 30
Weekly used 4
Exercise earned 10
I've put loads of *****'s by the costa because I looked up the nutritional values for costa express, and they're less points than a peoper walk in costa! =D My medium mocha went from 9 points in store to 4 points out of a machine and it tastes just as nice
the nutritional info for express can be found here - http://www.costa-business.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/costa_nutrition_info_download.pdf
I started weight watchers online last week, and i'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Last week I went over my points a little (mostly due to a few too many vodkas) but I still managed a great -4.5lbs
Last night I began week 2 with a shop at Asda, armed with my phone with the WW app I worked out the points for everything before I put it in the basket. (I got a few tuts and looked a lot like a teenager addicted to my phone but hey lol)
A few things to note - Asda currently have the fresh WW meals for £1.50 - bargain! I bought a hunters chicken to try
Yesterdays food went like this -
Breakfast -
Missed, my lie in, my weekend started yesterday =D (I work shifts)
Lunch -
McDonald's Chicken Mayo 9ppts
Snack -
Costa Express Mocha *** 4ppts
Tea -
145g King prawns 3ppts
Amoy chilli noodles 7ppts
Sharwoods Kung Po sauce 7ppts
Exercise -
60 minutes mountain biking which my app tells me is 10ppts! Woo!
Used 30
Weekly used 4
Exercise earned 10
I've put loads of *****'s by the costa because I looked up the nutritional values for costa express, and they're less points than a peoper walk in costa! =D My medium mocha went from 9 points in store to 4 points out of a machine and it tastes just as nice