Lemon question

Red Heart

Back on the Dukan wagon!
I am a bit confused about the use of lemon on Dukan, so for the past few weeks I've not used any.
Now I know I cannot have lemon squash/cordial but my question is regarding juice.
When the book says you can use lemon juice, does that mean only from a fresh lemon or am I able to use concentrated juice from a bottle? (the sort of Jif lemon stuff that is used on pancakes etc).
Also, when I have a diet coke can I have a slice of lemon in it? Not to eat, but it just looks so much when it's there! :cool:

Sorry to start another thread with a question. Shame there isn't a sticky thread just for quick questions so that I don't keep clogging up the board with my silly questions! :eek:

Thanks xx
Hi Red Heart, no questions are silly questions!

It says on page 72 of my book:
"Lemons can be used to flavour fish or seafood, but cannot be consumed as lemon juice or lemonade, even without sugar, because although sour, lemons are still a source of sugar and are therefore incompatible with the programme's first two phases, the Attack and Cruise phases"

I interpreted this as meaning, a squeeze from a fresh lemon in your cooking is ok, but no bottled lemon juice, cordial etc. However, if you look on page 178, there is a recipe for Lemon Chicken which uses juice and zest of two lemons.:confused:

I guess the answer is, if you squeeze it yourself from a lemon, it's ok for cooking. Maybe that means a tiny slice in your coke is ok too, but it might be that the cooking of the lemon does something to the sugars...I don't know!
Thanks Coco.
Was hoping I could have a slice in my diet coke when out as it looks better! :eek:.
I suspected the small bottles of juice aren't allowed but wanted to check.
No idea on limes, though.

Right best get off for my 30 min walk before it rains...