lil bit of advice please! :)

The only advice I can give you is basically the cheap ways to work out. You have access to the internet, there are plenty of websites that will have workouts on them, just do a google search, summat like 'beginners workout.' Use cans of beans instead of dumbells, use your bottom stair as a step, go to poundland and buy a skipping rope-it's fab exercise and quite fun.

Also, I recommend the delight that is you tube. You will no doubt have a celeb or 2 in mind who's bodeis you admire, or know the names of celeb personal trainers or have an idea of the kind of exercise dvd you'd like if you could afford it. Go on you tube and you will find the workouts. It can take you a while to find what you're looking for but the search is worth it.

Hope this helps. x
Glad you have posted again. You will get replies but sometimes it takes a bit of time. You can get exercise DVDs out of the library or try a bit of stair climbing.

Make sure you keep a diary of what you are eating

Good luck
Irene xx
If you can't get out it's difficult. Walking is great exercise, and free, the step idea is good, so is the cans of beans for weights, but it's boring isn't it? Swimming and cycling are great, but need a little investment, and you have to go out.

Why can't you get out? If it's psychological you need help from your Quack.

PS 3 stone is a wonderful achievment

Give us some more info.
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to steve wain
Basically i was badly bullied at school because i was always pretty quiet & was slightly overweight. Things got out of hand when i was 13 as i started getting attacked. At 15 i was put in hospital by a group of people at school after followed me home & attacked me. i had to have 22 stitches in total. Many other things happened too which i dont realy want to go into, mental, physical & sexual, unfortunetly they didnt get into any trouble as there was no proof it was them who attacked me etc
i dropped out of school a few months before my gcses, after 4yrs of misery at school
I dont go to college in case i see them
So it is mostly phychologcal. I live in a small village, so i almost always see someone i know from school when i go out & they always make some nasty remark whether its to do with my weight or not
we are desperate to move but cant sell the house.
So thats why. :)
:stickdance:hun,and what about dancing about?? Play some beaty music, and move your legs and arms vividly to the beat(I guess, what I mean is a mixture of dancing and aerobics, or so), I know I can look silly when I do that sometimes, but, if I just let myself go, I start sweating pretty soon.And I feel real happy