
Dee 25

Full Member

cant buy any flaxseed round here so ground some tonight for my bread.

i used 25g which was 6.2g carb for that amount, but i saw that flaxseed is high like this and net carbs where lower.

how do i work this out?

Please help
oh by the way i got some fish with a mediterrian sauce on top and its 3g of carb on back can i have this

The fish will be fine provided you counted in the carbs, The flaxseed is a puzzle, I suspect it's something to do with the husks, which are all fibre, it's the same with rice, wild (brown) rice still has the husk and that is why it's slightly lower carb weight for weight.
thanks jim,

should i just count the carbs on the bag then

Yes diane, I wouldn't eat a whole bag at a time though. ;)
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lol @ Jim! deffo not a whole bag!
well i had to buy the linseed and i portioned it up to cook mim so i section it into 6g carbs i half it for microwave mims and use all of it for cocoa cake that ive baked this morining

Sounds good Diane. :)
thanks jim
i had to buy one of them motal and pestle to grind the seeds up but they dont grind down that easy so most still whole but mushed up.
is this ok, as long as i count the carbs

Yes Diane, that's fine love.
Might be a good idea to buy a coffee/nut grinder. I bought a Krups one from Amazon. It cost £19 with free postage. I grind my own flaxmeal now from either golden or brown seeds - I like the taste of both - and since the seed is cheaper than the ready ground meal you save quite a lot. The grinder pays for itself in no time. I couldn't be without mine, now!

I adore MIMs and flaxmeal products. This morning I had a rich chocolate MIM with cream cheese frosting. I gave those up for Lent because they are my alltime faves lol so I am reintroducing them now.

The grinder will make wonderfully smooth 'flour' and you can grind your own nut flours, too, for use later on in OWL.

BTW you subtract the fibre carbs from the overall flaxseed carbs. One pretty much cancels out the other, hence many Atkineers regarding flaxmeal as a 'carb wash'.

Good luck and have fun!
i bought some ground flax today (FINALLY!) and the carbs per 100g is 1.7g and yet the fibre is 28.9g !!! which confuses the crap out of me but still, ill go with 1.7g even though that sounds bonkers!
Spot on Bride