LipoTrim Day By Day Diary


New Member
Day 1

So here i am sat at my desk. Its 15:00 and i am supprised i feel ok. I have only had my one shake today but i have had about 3-4 pints of water. I found this morning hard because i work in an enviroment where they provide the following FREE!!

* Fizzy Drinks
* Chocolate
* Cereal (all kinds)

I am finding the SMELLS the worst thing to resist. I am determine to lose this gut so its my motivation but i am thinking i might have to have my shake soon as it has been about 4 / 5 hrs since my last one.

I will edit the post with times as i go through the day but each post will be a different day. I will try and do a day by day but i can imagine that i might miss a few days.

I am starting to think i need a schedual for this to work for me as my shifts at work vary so much i need to try and stay in bed as long as possible when i am on a late **** (1pm - 10pm) and these are the days i think will be the hardest. I did strategically start later than Feb as my mates birthday was at the end and i KNEW they would have a part, along with my B-day at the end of Jan. It just would of been too hard to resist.

Today is a nice even time to start (1st of the month) and i can monitor this easily (so i hope)

If i feel anything else i will edit this and Time Stamp it ;)

If you are doing this diet then all the best and stay strong :D
Good luck Tweedie! x x x