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I have a beautiful 9 year old staff , we rescued him, the best decision I ever made he was abused by previous owners and neglected. Breaks my heart he was just 10 kilos when we took him home nearly 2 years on he's former self is a mere shadow he now weighs a very healthy 22kilos for his build he should weigh between 20-25 kilos so he's good and very happy gentle loving boy . He took to my kids really well and is the protector and best friend to my disabled son.
. We got a lot of stick taking him on but being the beaut he is he changed the opinion of his breed to most of my family and friend even the I laws so much so they are looking after him whilst we go away, ( we took him on holiday last year but he didn't like it) result!!!! Always loved staffies not loved there stigma I know I'm not the only one. I feel any dog can be dangerous it's how you bring them up sick of the wrong end of the lead being blamed. My pooch was attacked by a diff breed that was off the lead whilst my boy was on it yet the owner of the other dog saw it fit to blame my dog because of his breed was not amused irresponsible dog owners suck x