Lowest syn cheese


New Member
It's probably in my book, but doesn't anyone know the lowest syn cheese? I've just started using cheese as my Healthy A (in the past I've completely avoided it!) and really enjoying it but want to see if I can get more for my A or my Syns!

Very grateful :) x
Quark is the very lowest (soft cheese), then something like Laughing Cow Extra Light or Philly Light (cheese spreads; someone will correct me on the named the Philly). For 'proper' cheese, I think it's probably low fat mozzarella as you get more for a healthy extra for that than the others. I usually have reduced fat extra mature cheddar ready grated from Tesco, and I weigh 42g for a healthy extra.

I don't have the current books though, so worth looking further on Minimins using these suggestions in your searches.