Lu's Food - The good and the horrifying

I am going to be honest - I hate 2016 so far.

I am not going to write a big long emotional post, but for context my fiance went into liver and kidney failure two weeks ago (he has a heart problem and has had for some time) which the doctors are saying he will not recover from - at this point he would need a heart, liver and kidney transplant to survive - getting even one of those in time would be a miracle - getting all three, well it isn't going to happen. So attempting to come to terms with the inevitability of losing him - hopefully months rather than weeks but it is impossible to say.

Consequently the food thing is - well. It's basically a disaster to be honest. I keep thinking completely unimportant and irrelevant things like that he will never see me anything other than morbidly obese (we met when I was not as a big as I am now, but certainly still obese) like that even matters.

That said - I am down nearly a stone since the start of the year - though largely from days when I simply feel too sick and sad to eat.

I am starting back up with the food diary as much as a way to remind myself to eat as to track being on plan. I keep telling myself that eating myself into an early grave when he simply had no choice about the matter is incredibly disrespectful to him, so the weight needs to come off for the sake of my health, period.

Today (Red Day Planned):

3 x Chicken Drumsticks (no skin)
Celery, carrot & v.low fat hummus (1 syn)
Ryvita & Philly (Hex A and Hex B)
Alpen Light (Hex B)

Yes I know this isn't enough food but it is considerably better than nothing which has happened more than once in the last week. I am working on it.