Meal ideas

Hi everyone,
im new to slimming world and i am trying to do it from home because im a student and dont have much free time or money to get to meetings. I need some ideas of quick and cheap meals/ snacks mainly for lunches and breakfasts.

If you look in the recipe section there are thousands of ideas
Hi Catherine,

Well done on taking the steps to start on Slimming World! I've been doing it for 10 months now and I definitely think the first week or so is the hardest,not because you feel deprived but because it can all seem a bit complicated. It's really not, though, so just stick with it and you'll soon find it's second nature - and you'll love the results!

Starlight's right, the website really is the best place to get ideas. If you go to the recipes & menus section, then choose the student/ budget menu, there are lots of lovely things; the Egg, Chip and Pepper Bake, and Bacon Pasta are particularly yummy, and easy. Or, if you've got a favourite ingredient, or you find something on offer, just pop it in the search box, and loads of things will come up.

I'm sure you'll find lots of great ideas, but just let us know if you need any more help.

Good luck!
