Hello all i found a recipe for beef stragganoff to be cooked in the slow cooker. My question is though can u use milk in a slow cooker cause my mum seems to think it will curdle!! Any ideas??
I think I read somewhere, you're no supposed to do it for too many hours. But people do rice pudding and porridge overnight. I think google is your answer.
I'm sure in my SC book it gives instructions on how long milk should not be left in there for. Is it going into a recipe? Can you not add the milk until an hour before the end? Or like I said earlier, google will have the answer x
if it's on low, 8 hours is probably too long. if it's on low for say 4 then high for 4 it'd be ok I think.
or if your slow cooker is like mine and has no heat control, I'm not sure.