Mixing Cambridge products with Exante products


Full Member
Hi everyone
I've been on and off (mostly off) Cambridge for the past 2 years. Ive restarted for the last time now but finding the Cambridge products so hard to stomach that I've even stopped having my full 3 a day and might only have one or two because the thought of another shake turns my stomach. I know this is really not good for you do I've looked into getting some exante products online to supplement my Cambridge ones rather than a total switch. Ive had a look at the nutritional information and with regards to carbs they are pretty much identical. Exante seem to have marginally more calories, but negligible really if you do ss+ which is what i do normally.

Any thoughts as to this? You're meant to be in ketosis anyway with exante which is what I'm aiming for. I was just wondering if anyone had any first hand experience with this? I figured it would be better than having only one or2 Cambridge products per day...
Why not just switch to Exante if you prefer them?
I do the same with my Exante and Cambridge products. I have been on both Cambridge and Exante and lost weight with both, but now I mix the two and find my losses are no different. I prefer Cambridge flavours but Exante seem to fill me up more.
There is also slim and save which has a large variety and I believe is also cheaper. I only use the bars from slim and save as I'm not keen on the Cambridge ones and use the shakes from Cambridge, I have 3 or four packs a day though and the forth will always be a bar if I'm struggling or just craving something extra so I always purchase 21 packs from my consultant. I hope you find something that works :)
Yes, they still keep me in ketosis. I only have Exante shakes as I dont like their soups or bars. I try to keep my calories down so never have 3 Exante products in one day and if I am having a bar one day I will have only Cambridge. I like the Exante shakes, they are thick and filling but only 4 flavours - Strawberry, Vanilla, Banana and Chocolate (Choc is not very nice IMO).
I do the same with my Exante and Cambridge products. I have been on both Cambridge and Exante and lost weight with both, but now I mix the two and find my losses are no different. I prefer Cambridge flavours but Exante seem to fill me up more.
Did you gain weight when mixing products