Moment of weakness


Gold Member
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want some cheese and crackers, this is the first day the shakes and bar has just not been enough :-(
You've done so well so far! What would you say if this were someone else saying that?
To eat some protein, drink some water, get out of the house, remind yourself why you're doing it!!!

Thanks, the moment passed but I did have some extra chicken with garlic fried in that spray light thingy!!!

Thank you all. Kellmo
Disaster averted :) well done! :)
Well done you - I have had quite a few of those "munchie" days this weeks (haven't acted on them so far but really hard to get through!). Well done you for fighting it off!
I just don't know what did it today, I just wanted normal, decent food. I'm learning lots of new recipes to get my husband strong and well after a health scare and seeing loads of new, tasty recipes. Maybe it was that? Maybe boredom? I don't know. I rewarded my efforts with mt before and after pictures and making myself realise how far I'd come and how far I still have to go. Well, that and some extra chicken!!!