More syns or more speed?!


Okay so I had my second weigh in last night and lost 1.5lbs. I've been sticking to the plan religiously for 2 weeks now and i'm only down 3.5lbs in total. I know its not exactly bad but when you hear of people with these big losses in the first couple of weeks it's a bit disappointing. Before starting slimming world I used to eat pretty healthy meals and I dance 3/4 times a week so I've never looked too over weight. I carry quite a lot of muscle in my legs from 20+years of ballet so at 13 stone I am a size 14. I know the reason I put on the weight is down to the weekly take away and snacking on crisps in between meals. Since starting slimming world I feel like I'm eating more that I used to but obviously a lot healthier food. I try to use as much speed food as I can and I snack on strawberries, raspberries and oranges. I normally use about 10 syns a day but a few people have now said to be I am not using enough syns.

My question is 'how would using more syns help me lose more weight when I already feel like I am eating a lot more than usual?'

Sorry for to long winded message but I really want to make sure I'm getting it right :)
Hi, that’s a quarter of a stone gone in 2 weeks. Lots of the people with bigger losses have a lot more to lose than you. Like you said you have a lot of muscle so losing 3.5lbs of fat is great. Have you check your muscle and fat percentage? My scales link to an app that tells me the details, it’s great seeing fat going down.
I don’t think having more syns will help. As much speed as u can will help.
Best of luck x x
When you put it like that I actually feel a lot better about it :) I haven't checked my muscle and fat percentage but I would definitely be interested to know, I will look into getting some scales like yours! That's what I'm thinking, I might even give a SP day a go and see it that helps.

Thank you for your reply! xx
Glad you’re feeling better about your loss. Think my scales are called renpho but sure there’s loads of similar ones. I’ll screenshot it so you can see all the measurements, I love mine.
the first time I did an sp week I lost 5lbs, I’ve done them a few times since and most I’ve lost is 3lbs. The 5lbs was when I weighed a few stone more though.
Good luck for next weigh in x x
Scales app. So green measurements are good within healthy range, orange is slightly above average x


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Thanks for that, I have now ordered one on amazon and it arrives tomorrow so I’m very excited! It’s really made me feel more positive so I appreciate your help :) I think I will try the SP plan but maybe just a day or 2 to see how it goes... xx

Just had to show you this! I’m so much happier now that I know my body fat is healthy, now I can just concentrate on watching that go down rather than my bmi :D thanks again for your advice xx