Morning World


Full Member
Hi guys

Just joined this morning to what looks like a friendly and supportive community.

I started Slimming World at home last week after buying the books on eBay about 6 months ago.

At the time, I had no one to go to class with and felt a bit out of place as no other guys went locally.

Anyway, a week in and I'm really enjoying the cooking from scratch aspect of it and I'm sad enough to have taken pics of the meals that turned out alright. Some never quite made it!

Need to get myself in shape again. I'm 43 and not getting any younger and although I do a lot of walking, I'm essentially lazy when it comes to serious exercise where I sweat and get out of breath. I much prefer a walk on a hill or a coast.

Anyhoo. Just thought I'd say hi
Hi Colmarnock and welcome. Friendly and supportive is right, I've found it a great forum. Glad you're enjoying cooking from scratch. Have a good day xx
Thank you Coachnomad!

I've just weighed myself (first time since starting) and ive dropped 5lbs in my first week after eating all this scrummy food.
Thanks for the welcome Emmaline.

Yeah I think a diary will be a good thing once I orientate through the site better with the iPhone.

I do tend to prattle on a bit and I think I'd like to look back as I get fitter on how much of a couch sloth I am/ was (delete as applicable)

Thanks again :)
Hi I-Spy and Claire.

Then hello and welcome to you two too.

Yeah the walking aspect is cool. Climbed my first Munro last month too and really enjoy being out and about.

Just a pity I have a sweet tooth hence the weight gain.

Loving the cooking. Also loving the failures lol. Makes me smile at how rubbish my cooking can get with such simple food.
I'm on Slimming World and there are Syns which allow you treats if you want to use them.

So far (6 days) I've only had a slice of cake at work (it was a leaving do and it wasnt polite to refuse) ahem!

I do find I tend to go for the wee ASDA bags of fruit. The ones at £1.25 for 5. The pineapple is amazing.

It was difficult on Saturday night with the kids eating chocs as we watched a movie. But I just had 2 cans of fizzy diet juice (free on my plan)

There are also free yoghurts (muller light and Weight watchers fat free) if you like dairy. There are no syns on these ones.

It's not easy and I'll admit to not using my syns through guilt. I'm only taking about 3 a day instead of up to 15.

But psychologically I feel better for not eating choccy although I miss it. But again I stress that on SW I could have some if I wanted it as long as I don't breach my syns.
Hi. Well done on our 5lb loss. I did slimming world about 10 years ago and lost a lot. It's a great way to lose weight. Sadly I put it back on and more when I moved to Spain (too much sangria and bread). Hope you have another good week! :)
Thanks Scarlett.

Mmmm bread. I miss that more than chocolate actually.

I'm off to Blackpool at the weekend and worried I'll fall off the bandwagon for a day or so with their fish and chips and doughnuts.

I'm easily tempted. That's my problem. But I'm hoping that my positivity keeps me going and I don't eat the entire Pleasure Beach!

Luckily I'm not a fan of dairy and don't take butter on toast. No cheese or marg and much milk either.

But toast and strawberry jam!!!

Thanks Irene. X